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Welterweight MMA Fighters

Welterweight MMA Fighters

Fighter   Height   Weight Class   Record   Nation
Romain Debienne 5'10" (177cm) Welterweight 10-5-0
Romain Locoge N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Romain Bidet 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 1-5-0
Romalice Thomason 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 1-3-0
Roman Vojtela N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Dovranov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Roman Guz N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Roman Milirud 6'0" (182cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Skibinskiy N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Roman Chyzhyk N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Roman Pylypchuk N/A Welterweight Am 4-3-0
Roman "The Emperor" Mitichyan 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 8-3-0
Roman David N/A Welterweight Am 6-3-0
Roman Sonsiadyk N/A Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Roman Procházka N/A Welterweight 2-1-0
Roman Pivarshev N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Roman Tkachenko 5'8" (172cm) Welterweight 4-4-0
Roman Chernysh N/A Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Roman Montiel N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Roman "Kobra" Vanicky 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 18-16-1, 1 NC
Roman "La Bestia" Alcantar 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 7-1-0
Roman Avdonin N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Tkach 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Mirzoev N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Madoyan N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Roman Volchenko N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Roman Kuakhano 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Nabiev N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Roman Mrenka 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 13-2-1
Roman Chindyaev N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Kozaev N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Mazaev N/A Welterweight 0-0-1
Roman Nečas N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Roman Leschev N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Roman Smertin N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Roman Zobin 5'11" (181cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Golovinov 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 10-6-0
R. P. N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Roman Gonzales 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 5-7-0
Roman Krizan N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Roman Fokin 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Roman "Brodyaga" Skirtin 6'0" (182cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Meladze N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Roman Lisowski N/A Welterweight Am 3-4-0
Roman Milec N/A Welterweight 0-3-0, 1 NC
Roman Yatskov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Kolesnikov N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Mukhamedshin 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 9-4-0
Roman Pocta N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Roman Pavlulyuchenko N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Guillen 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight Am 4-3-0
Roman Kharlov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Alfimov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Roman Vidyakin 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Bachinskiy N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Gilyazov N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Papuc N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman "Hannibal" Yarysh 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Andrenko N/A Welterweight 3-6-0
Roman Limonov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Shpakov N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Roman Maynich N/A Welterweight 4-0-1
Roman Mukhametkhanov N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Roman Yakovenko 6'0" (184cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Roman Grzejszczyk N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Flores 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Roman "Sergey" Mironenko 5'10" (177cm) Welterweight 5-7-0
Roman Gertz N/A Welterweight Am 3-2-0
Roman Avetisyan 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Wyglądacz N/A Welterweight Am 2-2-0
Roman Janouš N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Roman Muradi N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Dzhanenko 5'8" (172cm) Welterweight 2-0-0
Roman Agaev N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Roman Vlasov 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Rodriguez 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Roman Klein N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Roman Tokar N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Hernandez 5'5" (165cm) Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Roman Prokhorov N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Gorbov N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Roman Gurbanov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman "The Russian Bear" Fedorov 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Roman Logisch N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Timofeev N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Roman "The Gladiator" Todorovich 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 4-0-0
Roman Sushchikov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Roman Leduc N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Roman Furkalo N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Roman Sugarek N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Fedorenko N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Karyukhin N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Roman Ivaniv N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
"Vicious" Roman Faraldo 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 8-2-0
Roman Bagirov N/A Welterweight 0-1-2
Roman Pashaev 5'6" (168cm) Welterweight 0-2-0
Roman Stößel N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Roman Kurbanov N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Roman Gribochev N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman "Roma" Latyshev 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Khachko N/A Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Roman Doyen N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Roman Markovic N/A Welterweight 3-3-0
Roman Ryabov N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roman Kocherga N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Roman Eskanov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roman Saveliev 6'3" (190cm) Welterweight 0-3-0
Roman Dalinger 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Romani Alicea N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Romar Tan N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Romario "Kano" Antalion N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Romario "Guinú" Inacio 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 9-3-0
Romario "Man of Steel" Martin 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 3-0-0
Romario Manoel "Junior Killer" da Silva 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 24-12-1
Romas Laginauskas N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Rome Lytton IV N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Romel Daniel Santamaria N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Romel Alvarado Custodio 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Romel Santamaria N/A Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Romel Siles N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Romenei Rocha N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Romeo Ghinea N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Romeo Meskhi N/A Welterweight 1-2-0
Romero "Gladiador" dos Santos Silva N/A Welterweight 3-4-0
Romie Aram 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 7-1-0
Romilton de Jesus N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Romisan Sortanikun N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Romke Jorritsma N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Romualdas Klimavicius N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Romulado de Freitas N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Romário Amorim 6'3" (191cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Ron Templeton 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Ron Keslar 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 11-9-0
Ron Lane N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ron Pope N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ron Peters 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ron Vance N/A Welterweight Am 7-1-0
Ron Hulett Jr. N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ron Monaghan N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ron London 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Ron "The Marine" Imhoff 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 1-10-0
Ron Chewning 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Ron Daniel N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ron Dolipong N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ron Dulapong N/A Welterweight 2-1-0
Ron Post N/A Welterweight 0-1-2
Ron Snyder N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ron Balicki 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Ron Baker N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ron Grieger 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ron Richards 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ron Paup N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ron Irvine N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Ron Lowe N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ron-Ondro Selter N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronal Cantos N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronald Lopez 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronald Mann N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-1
Ronald Forman 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight Am 1-3-0
Ronald Raines 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Ronald Minera 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Ronald "Roko" Hernandez 5'6" (168cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronald Bobo 5'0" (152cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronald Gray 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 0-4-0
Ronald Rojas N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ronald Soto Sibaja 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Ronald Velasquez N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Ronald "The Italian Sensation" Mello 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight Am 1-4-0
Ronald Turpin 6'4" (193cm) Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Ronald Humphrey N/A Welterweight Am 4-0-0
Ronald Da Silva N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Ronald "Chief Buffalo" Colvin Jr. 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Ronald Sookael N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronald Fuentes N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ronald Fenimore 5'8" (172cm) Welterweight Am 0-4-0, 1 NC
Ronald "Machine Gun" Jhun 5'11" (181cm) Welterweight 25-26-2
Ronald Giorgio 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight Am 1-3-0
Ronald "The Chef" Holden 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Ronald Skrob N/A Welterweight Am 3-1-0
Ronald Ferrer N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronald "Odo" Odoch N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Ronald Wetselline 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 1-3-0
Ronald Coleman N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronald De Groot N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ronald Johnson 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Ronald McClelland N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronald Wilder 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 1-4-0
Ronald Rincón N/A Welterweight Am 0-4-0
Ronaldo Osbourne N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronaldo Messias N/A Welterweight Am 1-4-0
Ronaldo Saenz Jr. 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ronaldo Demora N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Ronaldo Feris N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronaldo Cabral 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Ronaldo Tavares N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ronaldo Brown 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronaldo Coetzer N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronaldo Campos N/A Welterweight 4-3-0
Ronaldo Julian N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ronan Ferguson N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Rondel Clark 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Roni Eko N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Ronmel Saddan N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Ronnachai Chaiyasit N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ronnie Wilson 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ronnie Mayweather N/A Welterweight Am 5-4-0
Ronnie Salazar 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Ronnie Vigil 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 3-0-0
Ronnie Weidt 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Ronnie Tisdal 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 5-4-0
Ronnie Price N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Ronnie Jones N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Ronnie Moes N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ronnie Pringle N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-1
Ronnie Troutt N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronnie Farmer N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ronnie "The Predator" Pierce 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ronny Capps N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Ronny Wells N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ronny Rivano 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 13-13-3
Ronny Prins N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ronny "El Llanero" Landaeta 6'0" (184cm) Welterweight 12-8-0, 1 NC
Rony Vargas 6'4" (193cm) Welterweight 2-2-0
Rony "Pancadão" Damasceno 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Ronys Torres 5'7" (171cm) Welterweight 43-10-0
Roos Nooter N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Rope Harrison N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Rory "Rocky" Shallcross 6'3" (191cm) Welterweight 3-6-0
Rory Reagan N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Rory Connors N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Rory "Red King" MacDonald 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 23-10-1
"The Potton Town Problem" Roscoe Pibworth N/A Welterweight Am 4-1-0
Roscoe Forch 5'10" (177cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Rose Waddy-Love 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Rosen Dimitrov 5'9" (176cm) Welterweight 35-5-0
Rosevaldo Jesus "Val Guerreiro" de Lima 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ross Brill 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ross "Turbo" Levine 5'11" (181cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Ross Nicholls N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ross Beedle N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ross Hotchkiss N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ross Hill N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ross "The Gladiator" Pointon 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight 6-17-0
Ross "The Hitman" Houston 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 8-1-0, 1 NC
Ross Mcintosh N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ross Urquhart N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Ross "Waddy" Waddell 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Ross Black N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ross McMillian N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ross Cooper N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ross Smith N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ross "The Real Deal" Pearson 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight 20-17-0, 1 NC
Ross Cleave N/A Welterweight Am 2-2-0
Ross Johnson 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ross Coe N/A Welterweight 2-4-0
Ross Restrepo N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Ross "The Boss" Ebanez 5'9" (176cm) Welterweight 20-10-0, 3 NC
Ross Cawood N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ross Suwark N/A Welterweight Am 0-0-0, 1 NC
Ross Glaub Abram 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ross Spaur 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Rostislav Vetrolom N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Rostislav Bogachenko 5'11" (181cm) Welterweight 0-2-0
Rostislav Novoselov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Rostislav Khvorost 5'9" (174cm) Welterweight 0-3-0
Rostislav Bychenkov 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 8-4-1
Rostislav Potapenko N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Rostislav Sukach 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 3-4-0
Roston Loud 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Rostov N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roubi Kohzadi N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Rouhollah Eidehlouei 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 0-3-0
Rowan Breedt N/A Welterweight Am 3-0-0
Rowan Martin N/A Welterweight 0-12-0
Rowan Budlender N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Rowdy Stralendorff N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Roy "Popeye" Neeman N/A Welterweight 1-2-0
Roy Luimes N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roy Saldana 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Roy Weatherby N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Roy White 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 1-3-0
Roy Nall 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Roy "Hot Sauce" Saucedo 5'6" (168cm) Welterweight 2-2-0
Roy Arets N/A Welterweight Am 1-3-0
Roy Spoon 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 7-5-0
Roy David Cobarrubia N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-1
Roy Nuñez N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Roy Gibson N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roy Hughes, Jr. 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 0-2-0
Roy Albers N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Roy Hughes N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Roy Noonan N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Roy "Humble" Lokolo 6'3" (190cm) Welterweight 2-3-0
Royal Brettragger N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Royce De La Cerna N/A Welterweight Am 2-2-0
Royce Eickleberry 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Royden "The Real McCoy" Demotta 5'9" (176cm) Welterweight 3-3-0
Rrigels Ceri N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Ruairi Morgan N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0

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