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Welterweight MMA Fighters

Welterweight MMA Fighters

Fighter   Height   Weight Class   Record   Nation
Nikita Pichulyak N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Nikita Litvinenko N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikita Karin N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikita Nikolaev N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Nikita Lituev N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikita Yevtyukhin N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikita Chuykov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikita Kopylov N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Nikita Dubchikov N/A Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Nikita "Ninja" Kurchaev 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 4-3-0
Nikki Karel N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikko "The People's Champ" Jackson 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0, 1 NC
Niklas "Green Mask" Stolze 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 13-7-0
Niklas Niemeyer N/A Welterweight 3-1-0
Niklas Hantke N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Niko "To Fidi" Petrides 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Niko Alijaj N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Niko Slater N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Niko "The Hybrid" Price 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 16-7-0, 2 NC
Niko Ahokainen N/A Welterweight Am 2-2-0
Niko Korventaus N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Niko Ligons 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight Am 3-1-0
Niko Skonbäck 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 6-2-0
Niko Hintikka N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Niko Carrafield 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Niko Millinen N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Niko Rodriguez N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Niko Metsälä N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikol Piciya N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikola Kardalev N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikola Privulj 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikola Vasiljević N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikola Ugrakovic N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikola Glavičanin N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Nikola Joksović 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 15-0-0
Nikola Resanovic N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikola Malić N/A Welterweight Am 3-1-0
Nikola Toskovic N/A Welterweight Am 3-0-0
Nikola Kukuličić N/A Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Nikola Vasović N/A Welterweight Am 0-5-0, 1 NC
Nikola Malenčić N/A Welterweight Am 1-3-0
Nikola Radosavljević N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Nikola Loncar N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikola Ivančević N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikola Vávra N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikola Gogov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikola Novovic N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Nikola Petrov N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Nikola Milošević N/A Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Nikola Milutinović N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolae Schiopu N/A Welterweight Am 6-6-0
Nikolai Turkin N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikolai Chernysh N/A Welterweight Am 3-0-0
Nikolai Pryadko 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 5-3-0
Nikolai Chernyy 5'11" (181cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolai Mikhalich N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikolai Parkhomenko 5'10" (177cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Nikolai "Crutch" Privalov 6'3" (190cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikolai Kukla N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolai Pashkevich N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolai Yatsuk 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolai Eryomin N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Nikolai Rudov N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikolai Oparin N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Nikolai Nekrasov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikolai Shapulinsky 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Nikolai "Botsman" Stolny 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikolai Aitmatov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolai Vanyukhanov N/A Welterweight 1-2-0
Nikolai Kononenko N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Nikolai "Pickle Nick" Turk 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikolai Kuznetsov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikolai Mikhailov N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikolai Duma N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolai "Nick" Ivkov 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 9-4-0
Nikolai Miroshnikov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolai Kuznetsov 5'10" (177cm) Welterweight 7-6-0
Nikolai Grynchuk 6'0" (182cm) Welterweight 18-8-0
Nikolai Vokuev 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolai Vysotskiy N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Nikolai Tolnai N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikolai Burlya 5'7" (171cm) Welterweight 2-4-0
Nikolai Kudrinsky N/A Welterweight 4-1-0
Nikolai Melnik N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Nikolai Manukhov N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Nikolaj Habeth N/A Welterweight 3-3-0
Nikolaos Kounalakis 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikolas Hoobler-Scherff 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Nikolas Mavrommatis 6'2" (189cm) Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Nikolas "Niko Peace" Brown 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
N. C. N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikolas Agyeman N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Nikolas Kubáň N/A Welterweight 3-1-0
Nikolaus Jurmu N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Nikolay Puzikov 5'11" (181cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikolay Nikolov 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 4-0-0
Nikolay Makukha N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Nikolay Trebyanskikh 5'10" (177cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikolay Krylov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolay Dakin 5'9" (174cm) Welterweight 5-1-0
Nikolay "Zhurya" Zhureev 6'0" (182cm) Welterweight 0-3-0, 1 NC
Nikolay Ryzhkov N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Nikolay Chirkov 6'0" (182cm) Welterweight 4-2-0
Nikolay Pasyuk 5'10" (179cm) Welterweight 3-2-0
Nikolay Goncharov 5'9" (176cm) Welterweight 4-1-1
Nikolay Baikin 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 2-4-0
Nikolay Ivanov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolay Mishchenko N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Nikolay Nikolov 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 4-0-0
Nikolay Chernyshev N/A Welterweight 5-3-0
Nikolay Chembulat N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nikolay Vetrov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolay Gaponov 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 6-3-0, 1 NC
Nikolay Batorin N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikolay Titov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolay Lyalin 6'3" (190cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Nikolay Iliev N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikolay Pasko N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikolay Aleksakhin 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 29-8-0, 1 NC
Nikolay Sychev N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolay Pekhov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolay Kozenko N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolay Dishkov N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikolay Suhorada N/A Welterweight 2-2-0
Nikolay Beyrit N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolay Gazibar 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikolay Komarov 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 2-3-0
Nikolay Veretennikov 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 12-4-0
Nikolay Koverzyakov 5'9" (176cm) Welterweight 2-2-0
Nikoloz Kikvidze 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Nikoloz "Qajaia" Kajaia 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 4-2-0
Nikos Deliolanis 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Nikos Crowley N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Nikos Kazazidis N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nikos Gavriilidis N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Nikos Crawley N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Nikos "The Dragon Lee" Parathirakis N/A Welterweight 0-3-0
Nikos Moustairas N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikos Sorokos N/A Welterweight 2-0-0
Nikos Galis N/A Welterweight 4-0-1
Nikos "Nitro" Sokolis 6'0" (184cm) Welterweight 12-6-0
Nikos Papadimitriou N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nikos Valagiannis N/A Welterweight 4-1-0
Niks Neizaks N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Niky Furtado N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nile Ferell N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nile Nesbeth N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nile Widmer N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nils Kohlhaas N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Nils Fischer N/A Welterweight 1-3-0
Nils Toropovs N/A Welterweight Am 0-0-1
Nils Torn N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nilton "Jaspion" Ferreira 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 0-3-0
Nilton Cachorrão 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 1-2-0
Nima Maleki 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Nimo Djagbo N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Nimród Bakó N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nina "The Hardest" van Dalum 5'6" (168cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Nino Slijepčevic N/A Welterweight 1-3-0
Nino "Crazy Boy" Marroquin 5'9" (176cm) Welterweight 7-3-0
Nino Kafoa Maka N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Niran Markpetch N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nishimwe Boaz N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nissim Bouhbut N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nissim Ohana N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nixon Cornejo Robledo N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Niyazbek Zhumabaev N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Niyaziddin Rysbaev 5'6" (168cm) Welterweight 2-1-0
Niyi Behan N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Nizam Osmanov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nizar Balghiti N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nizar Kebir N/A Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Nizar Bazine N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nizhny N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nizomiddin Isroilov N/A Welterweight 4-5-0
Nizomjon Xoshimov N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Nnaemeka Nwoye N/A Welterweight 2-2-0
Nnamdi Osuaqwu N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Noah Landes N/A Welterweight Am 3-5-0
Noah Gaudiello 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Noah Wallace 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Noah "Reckless" White N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Noah Salaheldein N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Noah Gregory N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Noah Lind N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Noah Parks 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Noah Watson N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Noah Whitman 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Noah Bellini 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 4-4-0
Noah Smith N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Noah Walk N/A Welterweight Am 2-2-0
Noah Langmade N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Noah Cutter N/A Welterweight 1-6-0
Noah Fye N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Noah Peoples-Wallace 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Noah Kelley 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Noah Monteiro N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Noah Emde N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Noah Butterwick N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Noah Hambleton N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Noah "The Persian Punk" Ansari-Jung 6'3" (191cm) Welterweight Am 4-1-0
Noah Perdue N/A Welterweight Am 2-2-0
Noah Madrid 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Noah Goertz 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Noah Galić N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Noah Crafton N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Noah Gregersen N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Noah Johnson N/A Welterweight Am 3-5-0
Noah "Cassanova" Flaspohler N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Noah Wagner N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Noah Bucy 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 2-3-0
Noam Reffers Maza 6'0" (182cm) Welterweight Am 4-0-0
Nobuhito Sakurada 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 4-5-0
Nobutoshi Takasugi N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nobuyuki Mori N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Noc Rlayang N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nochkho Gilgaev N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nodir Egemberdiev 6'0" (184cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Nodir Saidakhmetov N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Nodirbek Mamazhonov N/A Welterweight 2-0-0
Nodirbek "Nadir" Radzhabov N/A Welterweight 1-2-0
Nodirbek Khasanov 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Noe Lassoud N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Noe Delacchi N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Noe Albarran 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 5-3-0
Noe Dellachi N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Noel Gallegos N/A Welterweight Am 1-3-0
Noel "Sexy" De La Cruz N/A Welterweight 4-2-0
Noel Kiefer N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Noel Irizarry 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 2-6-0
Noel Nosse N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Noel Billegas N/A Welterweight 0-0-1
Nofar Makhmudov N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Nohotua Flores 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 1-4-0
Nojus Maculevicius N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nokweed Devy 5'10" (177cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Nolan Kelly 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nolan Cairns N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Nolan Vierra N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nolan Soto N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nolan "The Minister" Clark 6'1" (186cm) Welterweight 4-12-0
Nolan Thomas N/A Welterweight Am 1-4-0
Nolan McCray 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 2-2-0
Nolan Miller 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nolan McLaughlin 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 6-5-0
Nolan McGinnis N/A Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Nolan Chiheb N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nolan Brant N/A Welterweight Am 5-5-0
Nolan "The Real Deal" Swanepoel 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 4-3-0
Nolan Cain 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 1-2-0
Nomi Baig N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nong Sai N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Noo Ri Kim N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Noo Ri Hwang N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Nopalis Pernando 5'6" (167cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Norahmed Ali Zareh N/A Welterweight Am 7-1-0
Norbert "Smolasty" Smoliński 6'0" (182cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Norbert Moravko 6'4" (193cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Norbert Mucha N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Norbert Reska 6'3" (190cm) Welterweight 2-1-0
Norbert Adamiec N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Norbert Lewandowski N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Norbert Kwinta N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Norbert Wątrobski 5'9" (174cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Norbert Czuliński N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Norbert Rences N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Norbert Kopin N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Norbert Błaszkiewicz N/A Welterweight Am 4-4-0
Norbert Job N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Norbert Olek N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Norberto Arroyo N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nordin "Fists of Tangier" Asrih 5'11" (181cm) Welterweight 29-11-1
"Fighting" Nordin Ben Sallah N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nordin Kassriou N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nordin El Garani N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nordine Mezatni N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nordine Taleb 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 15-7-0
Noriaki Ishida N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Noriaki Sugimura N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Norihiro Yokogawa N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Norihiro "Musashi" Miyamoto 5'9" (174cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Norihisa Horiike N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Norimasa Iwasaki N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Norio Fujita 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-0-1
Norm "The Storm" Gruenwald 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Norman Juaquin N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Norman Smith N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Norman Gaucho N/A Welterweight 2-2-0
Norman van Voorn N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Norman N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Normunds Zunde N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Northern McCullough N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Nosir Khalilov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nosir Mohamed N/A Welterweight 4-0-0
Nour Khadri N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Nour El Hariri N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-1, 1 NC
Noureldin Ayman N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Nozim Zioduloev N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Ntarila Kouka N/A Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Ntoto Francois N/A Welterweight 0-1-0

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