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Welterweight MMA Fighters

Welterweight MMA Fighters

Fighter   Height   Weight Class   Record   Nation
Hunter Vargas 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 5-7-0
Hunter Runyan N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Hunter Watt 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 2-0-0
Hunter "“Creed”" Winders 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Hunter Hamilton N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Hunter Scott-Gregg 6'4" (193cm) Welterweight Am 1-4-0
Hunter Holliday 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Hunter Perez 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 1-3-0
Hunter Preston N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Hunter Jenkins 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Hunter Crader 6'3" (191cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Hunter Armstrong N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Hunter Rollins 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Hunter "The Mutant" Miller 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Hunter Middleton 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 1-3-0
Hunter Harrison 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Hunter "Atlas" Taylor 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Hunter Stevens 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Huqun Han 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Husam Karadli N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Huseyin "Speedy" Aygun N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Huseyn Hesenov 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Huseyn Aliev 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Huss Hassan N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Hussain Al Kurdi N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Hussain Khorsheed N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
"النشمي" Hussam Qashou 5'10" (179cm) Welterweight 2-4-0
Hussan Lari N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Hussein Mohammad N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Hussein El Gulabi N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Hussein N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Hussein N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Hussein Mohamed Jassim N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Hwa Soo Kyung N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Hwang Jae Kim N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Hwi Seung Yoon N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Hyacinthe Odingar N/A Welterweight Am 0-12-0
Hye Sung Shim N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Hynek "Doktor" Svoboda 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Hynek "Shelby" Hospodářský N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Hyun Kim N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Hyun Do Yu N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Hyun Ho Kil N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Hyun Jin Jang N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Hyun Jong Shin N/A Welterweight Am 2-2-0
Hyun Min Hwang N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Hyun Sik Park N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Hyun Sung Na N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Hyun Woo Lee N/A Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Hyung Joo "Daddy" Kim 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 2-4-0
Hyung Jun Kim N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Hyung Seob Kwon N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Hyung Yoon Park N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Hywel Teague N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Håkon "Death" Foss 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 10-9-0
Héctor Martínez N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Héctor Herrera N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Hüsnü Sari N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
I.B Sani N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Iadgar Osmonov N/A Welterweight Am 4-1-0
Iain Airey N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Iain Gridwood N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian Burnett N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ian Girdwood N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian Campagna 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Ian Nguyen N/A Welterweight Am 0-0-1
Ian Goodnal 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ian O'Toibin N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian Gardner 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Ian "Pompey" Pomfret 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight Am 6-1-0
Ian Holmes N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Ian "Silverback" Butler 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 8-6-0, 1 NC
Ian Durst N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ian "Not So Tranquil" Perron 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Ian Warren N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ian "Pain Train" Pelman 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Ian Huskins N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Ian Connors N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian McNeil N/A Welterweight Am 3-1-0
Ian Finlayson N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ian Kerlin 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Ian Nelms N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Ian Kanabe N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian Fews N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ian Brofsky 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 1-2-0
Ian Espinosa N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ian Lindberg 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian "M-16" Butlin 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 7-9-0
Ian Zarvos 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight Am 3-2-0
"The Future" Ian Machado Garry 6'3" (191cm) Welterweight 14-0-0
Ian "Bullet Proof" Glass 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian Stone N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian Thorne N/A Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Ian Smith N/A Welterweight Am 5-2-0, 1 NC
Ian Whipple N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ian Moons N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ian Gentile N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ian Girlia N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Ian Kennedy N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ian Coughlan 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Ian Moreira 5'10" (177cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Ian Godin N/A Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Ian Garfinkel N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian Freeman N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian Royds 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 2-2-0
Ian Spears N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian "Hitman" Bone 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 10-7-0
Ian Young N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian Piebenga 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ian Stonehouse 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 8-11-0
Ian Yorke N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian Buckley N/A Welterweight Am 4-0-0
Ian Stephens 5'11" (181cm) Welterweight 5-1-0
Ian Oliver N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian Lawler 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight 6-5-0
Ian Palmer 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ian Alexander N/A Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Ian Brown 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian Jackson 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 2-3-0
Ian Nelson 5'6" (168cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ian Airlie N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ian "Evil" Boxhorn 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 3-1-0
Ian Stoby 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight Am 4-0-0
Iann Achury N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Iason Katzegiannidis N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ibaahim Attair N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Iban Goyetche N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ibo Can N/A Welterweight 0-4-0
Ibodillokhuzha Ibragimov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibodullo Anorov N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Ibra Konov N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ibragim Dzhabrailov 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 1-2-0
Ibragim Dzhafarov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ibragim Umaev N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibragim Ibragimov 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 3-0-0
Ibragim Shakhmalov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ibragim Abdullaev N/A Welterweight 2-1-0
Ibragim Gataev N/A Welterweight 1-2-0
Ibragim Ibragimov N/A Welterweight Am 2-1-0
Ibragim Yardost N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ibragim Salakhov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibragim Islamov 6'1" (186cm) Welterweight 3-0-0
Ibragim Visurov N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Ibragim Bagayev N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Ibragim Baisarov N/A Welterweight 7-2-0
Ibragim Abubakarov N/A Welterweight 4-1-0
Ibragim Salmanov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibragim Dugiev 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight 2-2-0
Ibragim Nasibov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibragim Efendiev N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibragim Abdulaev N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibragim Akuev N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Ibragim Aziev N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibragim "Tatarin" Musaev 5'9" (176cm) Welterweight 0-2-0
Ibragim Sariev 5'10" (179cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Ibragim Bakaevi N/A Welterweight 2-2-0
Ibragim Dzhanarslanov N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Ibragim Askhabov 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 5-1-0
Ibragim "Dr. Giggles" Kantaev 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 8-3-0
Ibragim Tibilov 5'9" (176cm) Welterweight 16-9-0
Ibragim Tovsultanov N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Ibraguim Shakhmourzaev N/A Welterweight Am 4-6-0
Ibrahim Cholo 5'7" (171cm) Welterweight 4-2-0
Ibrahim Mandev N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Ibrahim Benmalek 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 3-1-0
Ibrahim Syed Abdul Nazzeur N/A Welterweight Am 1-3-0
Ibrahim "The Joker" Abdalla N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ibrahim Saad N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ibrahim Saygili N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibrahim "Iceman" Sellak N/A Welterweight 2-0-0
Ibrahim "African Warrior" Kallie 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight 1-2-0
Ibrahim Zeebak N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ibrahim "K.O." Komilov 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight Am 3-3-0
Ibrahim Celik 6'0" (184cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibrahim Khasuyev N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ibrahim Shebin N/A Welterweight Am 1-3-0
Ibrahim Barkani N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ibrahim Hamouda N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Ibrahim El Atiaui N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ibrahim Bakain N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ibrahim Sellah N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ibrahima "Freezer" Mané 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 14-4-0
Ibraim Nurzaman N/A Welterweight 2-3-0
Ibramkhalil Ibramkhalilov N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Ibrohim Tashlanov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibrohimjon Ibrohimov N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Ibrokhim Saidakimkhanov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibrokhim Saidov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ibuki "Happiring" Shimada 6'0" (182cm) Welterweight 10-6-0
Ibukun Opaaje N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Icaro Martins N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ichimare Tanaka N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ichiro Shishido N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ichiyo Morimoto 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Idibeg Nosirov N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Idibek Aliev N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Idilbek Naimzoda 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 4-0-0
Idris Nooristani 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Idris Kumasi 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 3-0-0
Idris Ipek N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Idris Magomedov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Idriss Sprenger N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Idriss Dairi N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Idriss M'roivili 5'10" (179cm) Welterweight 2-3-0
Idrissi Abdelghany N/A Welterweight 4-3-0
Idriz Hamidović N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Idsert Keizer N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ieuan Davies 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 4-0-0
Iftikhor Arbobov 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 13-4-0
Ignacio Testuri N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ignacio Gonzalez 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ignacio "Nacho" Viotti N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ignacio Perez 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ignacio "Maldito Lobo Blanco" Morello 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 8-6-0
Ignacio Pujol N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ignacio Shaw N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ignacio Manzano N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Ignacy Gaik N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ignat "Pushka" Pushkarev N/A Welterweight 1-3-0
Ignatious Nkomo N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Ramos N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Liska 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Kharchenko N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Igor Golyakov 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 1-0-1
Igor Zharkov N/A Welterweight 2-1-0
Igor "Mongoose" Grytskiv 6'2" (187cm) Welterweight 7-4-0
Igor Bratenkov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor Godyuk N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Igor Kolesnichenko N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Igor Nekroshevich N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Pessoa N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Igor Dolinskogo N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Stepanov N/A Welterweight 0-8-0
Igor Pushkin 5'9" (174cm) Welterweight 2-1-0
Igor Dobrov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor Gladkov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Petkov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor Gaschinko N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Igor "Chatubinha" Fernandes 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 21-7-0
Igor Kurgan N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Igor Araújo 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 25-10-0, 1 NC
Igor Pograniczny N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Igor Chin N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor Morozov N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Igor Uriadov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Smith 5'10" (177cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor Petrov 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor Kuzin N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Igor Barcelos N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Igor Kolesnikov 5'9" (176cm) Welterweight 1-4-0
Igor Taylon Viana 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 4-1-0
Igor "Hans" Guerus 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 9-11-0
Igor Borisov 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 2-1-0
Igor Michaliszyn 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 10-3-0
Igor Alves N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Igor Malvi N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Slivka 6'0" (182cm) Welterweight 3-1-0
Igor Maliy N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Stoyanovskiy N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor "Kombat" Kulikov 5'10" (179cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor "Fatninja" Tanabe 6'0" (184cm) Welterweight 5-0-0
Igor Shibaev N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Kolmakov N/A Welterweight 1-3-0
Igor Pontes N/A Welterweight 2-2-0
Igor Kondrashov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor Zhukhimchyk N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Cherednichenko N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Larin N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Sabanov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor Pietrzak N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Igor Gracie 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 5-4-0
Igor Sivtsev N/A Welterweight 2-0-0
Igor Savitsky N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Igor Tishin N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor Ivanov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Sokolov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor Shishkin N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Igor Pustovalov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Silva N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor "Piekarz" Brzozowski 5'8" (172cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Igor Minder N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Glazov N/A Welterweight Am 0-3-0
Igor "Jacaré" Cavalcanti 5'11" (181cm) Welterweight 9-0-0
Igor Bayer 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 4-5-0
Igor Dolgiy N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Golovnya N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Igor Farkas N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Shpatenko 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 6-3-1
Igor "Aladin" Júnior 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Igor Barabash N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Karachentsev 5'10" (177cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor "Pakato" Maux 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 10-7-0
Igor Terlecki 6'3" (190cm) Welterweight Am 4-1-0
Igor Lobodaev N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor Guilherme N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Igor Onoprienko 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 1-2-0
Igor Akhmatov N/A Welterweight Am 3-2-0
Igor Titov 5'10" (179cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Igor Beslaga N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Igor Krutoi N/A Welterweight 0-1-0

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