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Bantamweight MMA Fighters

Bantamweight MMA Fighters

Fighter   Height   Weight Class   Record   Nation
Joe Palmer N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Joe Mondragon 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 4-0-0
Joe "The Show" Hanley 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 2-3-0
Joe Hiramoto 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 1-0-0
Joe Manuia N/A Bantamweight Am 0-4-0
Joe Brennan 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 1-3-0
Joe "NOSOUL" Ceja 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Joe Jesser 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight 3-1-0
Joe Pilgrin N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joe Logan 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 2-1-0
Joe Frances Dondusar N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Joeferson "Dragão" Carvalho 5'3" (160cm) Bantamweight 3-1-0
Joel Garcia N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Joel Chapman 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 2-4-0
Joel "The Evolution" Lopez 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 3-1-0
Joel Echeverria 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 0-1-1
Joel McArdle N/A Bantamweight Am 1-2-0
Joel Sicha Lujan N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Joel Rodriguez N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joel Basnett N/A Bantamweight Am 2-2-0
Joel Storey N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Joel Sams N/A Bantamweight Am 3-0-0
Joel Wales 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 2-8-0
Joel Main 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight Am 0-3-0
Joel "La armadura" Aguilar N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joel Soller N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joel Hardin 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Joel Moyà Schöndorff 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 1-3-0
Joel "The Punisher" Ssemanda 5'8" (172cm) Bantamweight 1-0-0
Joel Maliza N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Joel Scholey N/A Bantamweight Am 0-3-0
Joel Raid N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joel Finnan N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joel Vincent 6'0" (183cm) Bantamweight 0-2-0, 1 NC
Joel Lessard-Clouston 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joel Rydzak N/A Bantamweight Am 5-2-0
Joel "Netto Farinha" Moreira 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 3-2-0
Joel Maliza N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Joel Ozuna "Escorpion Wushu" Romero N/A Bantamweight 3-2-0
Joel Linao N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joel Sanchez Paredes 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 2-2-0
Joel Errais N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joel Moore N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Joel Carrasco N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Joel Dutro N/A Bantamweight Am 2-1-0
Joel Almanza N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Joel Singh N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Joel Gonzales-Herrera 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight 0-2-0
Joel Aldair N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Joel Toledo N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Joel Haro 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 5-1-0
Joel Aguilar 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 3-2-0
Joel Winters N/A Bantamweight 2-1-0
Joel Neorr N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Joel "La Potra" Ferrin N/A Bantamweight 2-1-0
Joel "La Topadora" Mendez N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Joel Navarro N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Joel "Fearless" Fisher N/A Bantamweight 2-1-0
Joel "Aranha" Silva 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 16-9-0
Joel Ururi N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Joel Galaviz N/A Bantamweight Am 0-4-0
Joel "El indio" Jimenez N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Joel "The Slenderman" Downing 6'0" (183cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joel "Kuma" Crook 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
Joel Aldahir Romero N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Joel Lozada Reinaldo Rodríguez N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Joel Nickolson Lawerence N/A Bantamweight Am 7-3-0
Joelito Vilas 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 0-2-0
Joelson "Zombie" Aragão 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
Joelton "Bolt" Henrique N/A Bantamweight Am 2-3-0
Joelvis Aldana N/A Bantamweight Am 0-0-1
Joemerson "Jó" Nascimento N/A Bantamweight 0-2-0
Joep "Bearclaw" Beerepoot N/A Bantamweight 0-3-0
Joeri Smans N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Joey Leung N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Joey "Joey Boy" Crisostomo Jr 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight 2-7-0
Joey Valdes N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Joey Tirado N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joey Ortiz N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joey "El Cazador" Ruquet 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 9-4-0
Joey Thomas 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joey Merrill N/A Bantamweight Am 3-1-0
Joey Cheap N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Joey Scanlan 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight 4-4-0
Joey Champagne 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 2-3-1
Joey Rodriguez 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 0-0-0
Joey "The Show" Camacho 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 5-7-0
Joey Gijsbertha N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Joey Marimberga 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 2-5-0
Joey Ford 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 1-2-0
Joey Revelli 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Joey Sanchez N/A Bantamweight 0-4-0
Joey Russo N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joey Roberts N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joey "Tennessee Tarzan" Torres 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 2-1-0
Joey "The Rocket" Martinez 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 2-11-0
Joey "The Hardway" Harhay 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Joey "The Filipino Kid" Baylon 5'5" (164cm) Bantamweight 1-1-0
Joey Trevino 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 1-7-0
Joey Mullin 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
Joey Miller N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joey Roberts N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Joey Hemsley 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Joey Aumann N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Joey Thompson 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 3-1-0
Jofre Aveiga N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Jofre "Pope" Aveiga N/A Bantamweight Am 4-2-0
Jofre Paul Farinango N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Jogly Zarate N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johan Ortega N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Johan Lopez 5'0" (152cm) Bantamweight Am 2-0-0
Johan "El Picante" Ferreira N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Johan Amador 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Johan Gaces N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johan Perez N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Johan Estupiñan 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 1-1-0
Johan Diaz N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Johan "JC" Fernandez 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 2-4-0
Johan Hernandez N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Johan "Silencer" Segas N/A Bantamweight 3-2-0
Johan Alfaro N/A Bantamweight Am 4-0-0
Johan Hallberg 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 1-1-0
Johan Narvaez N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Johan "El Pitbull" Narvaez 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 0-2-0
Johan Ledezma 5'0" (152cm) Bantamweight Am 2-1-0
Johan Caceres N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Johan "Joop" Schneider N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johan Ghazali N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johan Nevlida 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Johan "Pica Pau" Salazar N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Johan Luna N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johan Rincon 5'5" (164cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Johana Abello N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Johana Zeledon N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johanm Gutierrez N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Johann Perez 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 1-1-0
Johannah Smith N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johanson Morales N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Johanys Sanchez N/A Bantamweight Am 0-3-0
John Michael Holland 5'7" (171cm) Bantamweight Am 0-3-0
John Moskell N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John Wojcik N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Crosswhite N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
John Nixon N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Roberts 5'11" (180cm) Bantamweight Am 2-2-0
John Pisano N/A Bantamweight Am 0-3-0
John "xGAMERx" Warnock 5'4" (163cm) Bantamweight Am 6-6-0
John Whiting N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Lamia N/A Bantamweight Am 3-3-0
John Wills N/A Bantamweight Am 0-4-0
John "The Hooligan" Parthaugen N/A Bantamweight Am 3-5-0
John Green 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 2-1-0
John McCally N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
John Proctor N/A Bantamweight Am 2-2-0
John Seagle 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Barragan N/A Bantamweight 0-4-0
John Powers N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John "Tank" Beckett 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 4-1-0
John "Hollywood" Sweeney 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 13-3-0
John Sanchez 5'4" (163cm) Bantamweight Am 2-1-0
John "Sexi Mexi" Castañeda 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 21-6-0
John Robles 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 6-5-0
John Daniel Alava Luzon N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John "Angel" Yannis 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 6-3-0
John Hickinbotham N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Watson 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Eunice N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John Derby N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John Norris N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Douma 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 8-5-0
John Ferer N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John Corcoran N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Bravo 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
John Bourget N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John Walker 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 3-1-0
John Pulido N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John "Master Hentai" Bualan N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
John Villareal N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John Baele N/A Bantamweight Am 1-3-0
John "Blaze" Grigware 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 1-2-0
John Gillespie 6'1" (185cm) Bantamweight Am 1-2-0
"The Gentleman" John Yoo 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
John Adams N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John Spence N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John Wang-Kim 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight 1-0-0
John Moquete N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
John Looper N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Calderon N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Matysiak N/A Bantamweight Am 0-3-0
John Payne N/A Bantamweight Am 1-3-0
John "The Sniper" Eco 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 2-4-1
John "The Bad Boy" Susunaga N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
John Graham 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
John "Baked" McKnight 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John "Dino" Farrar Jr. 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight Am 2-2-0
John "The Convict" McLaughlin 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 4-1-0
John Vandiver 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John McCarthy 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 0-2-0
John Curry N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
John Dickerson 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
John Norton N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Low N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John Hale 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
John "Taino Blood" Medina 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 0-4-0
John "The Baptist" Birdsong 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 0-3-0
John Weinert 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 2-0-0
John Heiser 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John "Spiderman" Heilman 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 1-1-0
John Mullinicks 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
John Christmas N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
John "El Demonio" Castro 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 2-2-0
John Pier 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 2-0-0
John McAndrews 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
John Stover N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
John Lewis 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 3-1-0
John Sterns 5'4" (163cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
John Bowen Tiller N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John "Lionheart" Gonzalez N/A Bantamweight 2-1-0
John Relph N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John "The One Man Riot" Allen 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 4-4-0
John "The Bus Driver" Hollis 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 3-5-0
John "Tao" Pham 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 4-4-0
John Rengifo Ruiz N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
John Tran N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John "The Shadow" Washington N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
John Salinas 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 0-0-0
John "Pirata" Ornido 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight 4-1-0, 1 NC
John Anderson Cardoso N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
"Mowgli" John Garza N/A Bantamweight 1-1-0
John Fleming N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
John Cicio Jr. 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 0-2-0
John Hughes N/A Bantamweight 2-0-0
John "Lionheart" George 5'11" (180cm) Bantamweight 4-3-0
John Louro N/A Bantamweight 5-5-0
John Young N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
John Tan N/A Bantamweight Am 0-4-0
John Townsend N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
John Candido N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Johnson 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 4-1-0
John Barnhouse 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
John Zahn 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
John Joseph "Anghang" Tabang 5'3" (160cm) Bantamweight 0-2-0
John Sanborn 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 1-0-0
John Drenner 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
John Bustillos N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John "Prince" Albert 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 3-5-0
John "Lobo" Logo Arguello N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0, 1 NC
John Safarov N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
John Hosman 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight 17-8-1
John Carter N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
John Brannan 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Eyre N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
John "The Musclebot" Rivera 5'5" (166cm) Bantamweight 1-8-0
John Lloyd "The Bazooka" Sumabal N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
John Paul Mendiola N/A Bantamweight 1-3-0
John Paul Puckett 5'11" (180cm) Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
John Paul Herbolingo N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
John Quency Liew N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Johnathan "Pretty Boy" Hartshorn 6'1" (185cm) Bantamweight Am 1-3-0
Johnathan Surner N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johnathan Ortiz N/A Bantamweight Am 3-0-0
Johnathan Hutchinson N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Johnathan Velasquez N/A Bantamweight 0-2-0
Johnathan Rudo N/A Bantamweight Am 0-4-0
Johnathan Magana N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Johnathan Chavez N/A Bantamweight 2-2-0
Johnathan Muyal N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johnathon Smothermon 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Johnes Moura 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
Johnny Thompson N/A Bantamweight Am 2-2-0
Johnny Hudson 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 2-1-0
Johnny Burnham N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Johnny "Hippie Cowboy" Gill 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 1-1-0
Johnny Kampa N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Johnny Nguyen 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 3-2-0
Johnny "Baby Boy Bomber" Corro N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johnny Merto N/A Bantamweight 2-0-0
Johnny Springer N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johnny Arreola 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Johnny Sergeant N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johnny Chang N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johnny "Little Bang Bang" Alvarez 5'3" (160cm) Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Johnny Oswalt 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Johnny "Pretinho" Eduardo 5'7" (171cm) Bantamweight 28-13-0
Johnny Brouwer N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johnny Maldonado 5'4" (163cm) Bantamweight Am 5-0-0
Johnny "Kid Kvenbo" Munoz Jr. 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight 12-4-0
"Brutal" Johnny Bedford 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight 23-14-1, 1 NC
Johnny "Soldier of Christ" Marigo 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight 4-2-1
Johnny Robles 5'4" (163cm) Bantamweight 7-3-0
Johnny "True King" Davis 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Johnny Lucero 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Johnny Coleman 5'5" (166cm) Bantamweight 1-8-0
Johnny Bryant N/A Bantamweight Am 5-2-0
Johnny "Cupcakes" Campbell 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 22-16-0, 1 NC
Johnny Spencer N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Johnny "Bam Bam" Baldridge 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight 5-4-0
Johnny Nguyen 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Johnny James N/A Bantamweight Am 1-2-0
Johnny "Mr Nice Guy" Lopez 5'4" (163cm) Bantamweight 12-6-0

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