Pham vs. Weiss

Boxing Event
Sep 17, 2023
Pham vs. Weiss

Fight Card
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Cancelled & Fizzled Bouts

No known scratched bouts or rumors that fell through.

Additional Event Information

Weigh-In Results

T. Pham 143.25
154.25 R. Weiss
Y. Malik 174.0
164.25 M. Abalgouch
T. Zunke 174.25
163.0 M. Obenauer
C. Wittman 165.5
143.25 D. Juergen
A. Saman 161.25
165.25 J. Traeger
L. Schrei 159.0
169.75 A. Gaitan
O. Otobo 269.0
202.75 D. Fuchs
R. Bataev 183.0
176.25 I. Targui
L. Muaremi 165.25
167.75 O. Monib
J. Owuso 196.5
189.25 A. Boankod

Fight Referees

Arno Pokrandt
Arno Pokrandt
Arno Pokrandt
Kornelius Bernds
Kornelius Bernds
Kornelius Bernds
Kornelius Bernds
Arno Pokrandt
Kornelius Bernds
Arno Pokrandt

Event Discussion

There is no official forum thread for this event.

Event Production

Tapology Predictions

This event did not have any Tapology predictions.

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