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Bantamweight MMA Fighters

Bantamweight MMA Fighters

Fighter   Height   Weight Class   Record   Nation
Dayana Garcia N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Dayane Mestrinha N/A Bantamweight 3-7-0, 1 NC
Dayane Souza N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Dayirbek Sakibaev N/A Bantamweight 1-0-0
Daylon Cossingham N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Daymeond "The Omen" Molina N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Daymus Espinoza 5'1" (155cm) Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dayna Kalasz 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 2-2-0
Dayne "Quiet Storm" Van Wyk 5'3" (160cm) Bantamweight 4-0-0
Dayne Tanaka N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Daynor Sonco 5'9" (174cm) Bantamweight 4-2-0
Dayton Gunneguez N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Dayvion Huttoe N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Dayvison "Tanque" Silva 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight 8-6-0
Dayyan Jodar N/A Bantamweight Am 6-2-0
Daz Alberts N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
De XIn N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
De Santos Salas 5'4" (163cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
DeAndre "The Protege" Anderson 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 6-4-0
DeAndrew Jones 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 3-6-0
DeAngelo "Soul Warrior" Yates 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 2-4-0
DeKhyale Mcfarland N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
DeMarcus "The Blessed Martial Artist" Patterson 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
DeShawn Monroe 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Deacon "Slenderman" Taylor 6'3" (191cm) Bantamweight Am 4-0-0
Dean Knight N/A Bantamweight Am 0-4-0
Dean Johnvin N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Dean McKnight N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Dean Snowdon N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Dean Reilly N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dean Fish N/A Bantamweight Am 2-4-0
Dean Henshaw N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Dean "Deano" Bride N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Dean Zientek N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Dean Van Zyl N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Dean Nasser N/A Bantamweight Am 2-0-0
Dean Elliott N/A Bantamweight Am 3-1-0
Dean Lane N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Dean Begg N/A Bantamweight Am 3-1-0
Dean Hughes N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dean Garnett 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 12-2-1
Dean Biggs N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Dearion Stokes 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 8-0-0
Deatra Tasler 5'2" (157cm) Bantamweight Am 10-3-0
Debbie Tucker 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 0-2-0
Debi Studer 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 2-0-0
Debi "Whiplash" Purcell 5'7" (171cm) Bantamweight 4-2-0
Debora Simabuku N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Debora Stivanello N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Deborah Nichols N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Deborah Shields 5'3" (160cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Debra Webb 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dechen Wangmo N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Declan "Kid Dynamite" Williams 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 13-14-3, 1 NC
Declan Marshall N/A Bantamweight Am 4-3-0
Declan O'Reilly 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Decoda Dodson 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Dedduanglek Tded99 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dee Barron N/A Bantamweight Am 1-2-0
"Dqualls" Dee Lee 5'11" (180cm) Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Dee Jay N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Dee Dee Murray N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Deego Bautista N/A Bantamweight 0-2-0
Deejay "The Lyon King" Warren N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Deema Aitken N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Deep Sulaiman N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Dei-Juan Timm N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Deiby "El Morocho" Tachon 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 7-2-0
Deise "Lee" Rocha 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight 6-6-2
Deisvaldo "Sonny" Ferreira 5'8" (172cm) Bantamweight 0-2-0
Deiveson "Deus da Guerra" Figueiredo 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight 23-3-1
Deividas Zamba 5'8" (172cm) Bantamweight 0-0-1
Deivison "Faíska" Santana 5'11" (180cm) Bantamweight 0-0-0
Deja Moura N/A Bantamweight 6-4-0
Dejean Davis 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight 1-2-0
Dejuan "Lil' Silverback" Robinson 5'4" (163cm) Bantamweight 0-6-0
Dekota Eckman N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Del "The Filipino Delight" Hawkins 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 22-17-0
Delano Felipe N/A Bantamweight Am 1-3-0
Delayno Kealohapaule N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Delbert Townson 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Delberty Lamark 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 6-4-0
Delena Duong 5'4" (163cm) Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Delffy "El Guerrero DD" Humer N/A Bantamweight Am 8-2-0
Delmer "Deltron" Pierce N/A Bantamweight 1-0-0
Delmer Avellaneda N/A Bantamweight Am 5-0-0
Delores Gallagher N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Delshad Morad N/A Bantamweight 2-1-0
Delshae Gower N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Delvin "Tony Montana" Siles 5'2" (157cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Demar "King" George 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 1-4-0
Demar Haslam N/A Bantamweight Am 3-0-0
Demarial Grant N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Demario "The Dangerous Man" Cade 5'2" (157cm) Bantamweight 4-5-0
Demarte "The Wolf" Pena 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 14-2-0, 2 NC
Demeko "Mala Suerte" Boyd 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Demetri Nictas N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Demetrious "Mighty Mouse" Johnson 5'3" (161cm) Bantamweight 25-4-1
Demi Alimo N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Demirci Yildiz N/A Bantamweight 0-2-0
Demitrius "The Alpha" McCarter 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Denchai To. Sirachai N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dendanai "PK Stereo" N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dener "Chuleta" dos Santos 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 19-16-0, 2 NC
Deng Sang Dean 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denilson "Procop" Ribeiro 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight 11-13-0
Denilson Sullon N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Denilson "Ninja" Matos 5'9" (174cm) Bantamweight 16-7-0
Denilson Herrera N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Denis "Iron" Zelenskiy 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 5-1-0
Denis Mukhamedaliev N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Denis Petrov N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis Zharikov N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denis Santos 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight 1-2-0
Denis Telitsa 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denis Troyan 5'9" (176cm) Bantamweight 2-4-0
Denis Zakharenko N/A Bantamweight 2-0-0
Denis Mamatov N/A Bantamweight 1-0-0
Denis Khurkivsky N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis "Shinobi" Kireenko 5'7" (171cm) Bantamweight 2-3-0
Denis Palancica 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 10-1-0
Denis Yelnikov N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis Zhukov 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 5-0-0
Denis Pervushyn 5'7" (171cm) Bantamweight Am 4-1-0
Denis Mutsnek 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 13-10-0
Denis Nemchinov 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 6-0-0
Denis Cristescu N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Denis Lukashov N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denis Pichugin N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Denis Beteev N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Denis Arslan 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight 0-2-0
Denis Metalko N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis Mpornouri N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Denis Uskoev N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis Uskov N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis Anisovets N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis Shalagin N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis "Teleport" Kozlov N/A Bantamweight 2-1-0
Denis Nazarov N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Denis Gheorghiu N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denis Mikhaylushov N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denis Norboev N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Denis Kadiakov N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis Djuranovič N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denis Domitrashchuk 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight 1-2-0
Denis "The Sorcerer" Poltorak 5'8" (172cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis Gruzdev N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Denis "Krepysh" Donskoy N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denis Konarzewski N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Denis Junior N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denis Petrenko N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis Bolek 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Denis Kudinov N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Denis Rybak 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis "The Bosnian Menace" Purić 5'5" (166cm) Bantamweight 8-5-0
Denis Skopintsev N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Denis Kosmel N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Denis "Leopardo" Menezes N/A Bantamweight 1-0-0
Denis Latun N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Denis Aira N/A Bantamweight Am 1-3-0
Denis Svetlakov 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Denis Foresi N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denis Huskić N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Denis Schuh 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Denisa Nicorici N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denisa Vulpe N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denise Schuschko-Linke N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denison Silva 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 10-14-0
Deniz Uz N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Deniz "Kyzaghan" Ildarov N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Denkriangkrai Singmawynn 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denli Ozge 5'6" (167cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
Dennis Domingo N/A Bantamweight 1-4-0
Dennis Troost N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dennis Brekelmans N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dennis De Leon 5'10" (179cm) Bantamweight 1-4-0
Dennis Buitenhuis N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dennis Gutiérrez N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Dennis Guerrero N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Dennis Ketelbuters N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dennis Dombrow 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 9-6-0, 1 NC
Dennis "The Nemesis" Papineau 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 1-3-0
Dennis Peralta 5'3" (160cm) Bantamweight Am 0-0-1
Dennis Maynard N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dennis Leeman N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dennis Funderburg 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Denpayak Detpetchsrithong N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denphuthai Kiatmoo9 N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denrhy Piloor N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Dentungtong Singha Mawynn N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Denver Merrifield-Nirva 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight 4-1-0
Denys Niemchynov N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Denzel Strader N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Denzell Davis 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Denzer Gatgens Ortiz 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 2-0-0
Denzil Milton N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Deo Quispe N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Deok Hoon Kang N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Deon Goodlow 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 3-2-0
Deon Martinez 5'4" (163cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Deontae Ruffin N/A Bantamweight Am 1-3-0
Deontre Porter N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Depphanom Chuwattana N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Dereck Santiago 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 2-1-0
Dereck "El Animal" Rodriguez N/A Bantamweight 1-0-0, 1 NC
Derek Gonzales N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Derek Lawrence 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Derek Cansino 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 1-2-0
Derek Losh N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Derek Henkens 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 2-4-0
Derek Abrahamson N/A Bantamweight 3-0-0
Derek Moore N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Derek Bolduc N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Derek "The Armbar Assassin" D'Arcangeli 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Derek "The Red" Wurzauf N/A Bantamweight Am 3-0-0
Derek Leung N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Derek "Lil Crazy" Charbonneau 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
Derek Dorman 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Derek Otterson 5'11" (180cm) Bantamweight Am 2-2-0
Derek Meunier N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Derek Bryan N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Derek "Shatterproof 2.0" Shorey 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight 4-11-0
Derek Bratton 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight Am 4-1-0
Derek "The Kid" Cranford 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 0-3-0
Derek Miranda N/A Bantamweight Am 2-3-0
Derek McMillan 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight Am 7-11-0
Derek Downer 6'0" (183cm) Bantamweight Am 2-4-0
Derick Menendez N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Derick Murillo 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Derick Garcia N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Derick "DK" Borges N/A Bantamweight 7-2-0
Derick "Durt Nap" Bartlemay 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 3-0-0
Derick Vaughan N/A Bantamweight Am 1-3-0
Derik Byrd 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight 3-4-0
Derik "Man Child" Faulk N/A Bantamweight Am 3-0-0
Derik "Hokage" Almeida 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 2-8-0
Derin Vance N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Derin Taylor N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Deron Lacima N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Derrick Hare 5'11" (180cm) Bantamweight 1-2-0
Derrick "Gringo Loco" Winslow 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 0-1-0
Derrick Cain 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Derrick "El Peligro" Rangamar N/A Bantamweight 3-15-0
Derrick Rawls 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight Am 3-2-1
Derrick Mayorga N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Derrick Gillispie N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Derrick Cavalu N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Derrick Adams 5'11" (180cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Derrick Pringle 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 2-0-0
Derry Juliawan N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Derwey "El Destructor" Perez N/A Bantamweight 1-0-0
Des Vida N/A Bantamweight Am 1-2-0
Desean Hines 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Deshaun Fortes N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Deshawn Morton N/A Bantamweight Am 2-5-0
Deshawn "Shamrock" White 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight Am 4-2-0
Desirae Ortega N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Desiree Wilson N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Deslond "The Disney Villain" Freeman 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 2-1-0
Desmond Jones N/A Bantamweight Am 2-1-0
Desmond "The Tyrant" Torres 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight 7-3-0
Desmond Frklic N/A Bantamweight Am 2-4-0
Desmond Austin Jr. N/A Bantamweight 2-4-1
Desmund Jones 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 1-2-0
Destin Todd N/A Bantamweight Am 1-2-0
Destinee "Supernatural" Spry 5'4" (163cm) Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Detchadin "Phetsingkorn" Sorsirisuphathin 5'3" (160cm) Bantamweight 8-8-0
Detric Bernal 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 0-3-0
Devan "Lil Diesel" Hargrave 5'8" (174cm) Bantamweight Am 3-0-0
Devante Kyse 5'3" (160cm) Bantamweight 0-9-0, 1 NC
Devante Frencher 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 5-5-0
Devante Moore N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
"The Grinder" Devante Sewell 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight 11-9-0
Deven Vanderpool N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Deven "Bad News" Brown 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 5-4-0
Devendra Kumar N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Devin Emerson 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 1-3-0
Devin "The Machine" Miller 5'10" (178cm) Bantamweight 5-3-0
Devin Sayles 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Devin Blair 5'6" (168cm) Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Devin Thompson N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Devin "El Frijol" Thoreson 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Devin Shepherd N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Devin Radianu N/A Bantamweight Am 3-2-0
Devin Yamada N/A Bantamweight Am 3-3-0
Devin "the raven" Seebold 5'4" (163cm) Bantamweight Am 2-3-0
Devin "Manu the Great" Pegg 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight Am 6-2-0
Devin Mazik 5'5" (165cm) Bantamweight Am 6-2-0
Devin Venor N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0
Devin Potts N/A Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Devin Poppen 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight 0-0-0
Devin "Fumikomi" Weber 5'7" (170cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Devin Drake 5'8" (173cm) Bantamweight Am 0-1-0
Devin Butler N/A Bantamweight Am 0-2-0
Devin Pilkington 5'9" (175cm) Bantamweight 0-5-0
Devin Schlicher N/A Bantamweight Am 3-2-0
Devin Shields N/A Bantamweight Am 1-1-0
Devin Dann N/A Bantamweight 0-1-0
Devin Macintosh N/A Bantamweight 0-0-0
Devin Senior N/A Bantamweight Am 1-0-0

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