Radchenko vs. Serguta

Boxing Event
Oct 7, 2023
Radchenko vs. Serguta

Fight Card
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Cancelled & Fizzled Bouts

No known scratched bouts or rumors that fell through.

Additional Event Information

Weigh-In Results

S. Radchenko 199.5
197.0 D. Serguta
I. Suprunenko 105.5
104.0 Perevezentseva
R. Naumenko 165.25
166.0 V. Tantsiura
S. Skorokhod 168.5
171.75 K. Rybakov
V. Kushnir 201.75
206.25 M. Zadvorny
A. Dagli 134.0
134.0 I. Kunenko
I. Semonchuk 124.75
117.25 Ovsiannikov
Y. Guliyev 142.75
142.75 A. Kupriyanov
O. Ivkov 179.0
181.0 V. Chaika

Fight Referees

Viktor Fesechko
Kostyantyn Rovenskyy
Viktor Fesechko
Vadym Lavrenets
Vadym Lavrenets
Kostyantyn Rovenskyy
Igor Kalenchenko
Vadym Lavrenets

Event Discussion

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Tapology Predictions

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