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Welterweight MMA Fighters

Welterweight MMA Fighters

Fighter   Height   Weight Class   Record   Nation
Tuluhan 6'0" (182cm) Welterweight 3-1-0
Petsagun N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Reoto N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Taku 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
RYOTA N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Kabai N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Karmanyan N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Fakhriddin 5'10" (179cm) Welterweight 2-3-0
Rumzi N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Tanoti N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Will N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Takeru 5'6" (167cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Tel N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Khodyrev N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
van Maaren N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ricky N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Shigeo N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Gomez N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Anekcen 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Yu-ma 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight Am 0-0-1
Kengo N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
"野狼王" Husile 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight 22-19-0
Ciarriaco N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Tetsuya N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nadier N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Duyst N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Klijn N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Sibbel N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Evgenii 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 1-4-0
Yideer N/A Welterweight 2-0-0
Matheus N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Hiryu N/A Welterweight 2-6-2
Bobier N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Wytze N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Konjishi N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Matoricz N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Bayamov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Byakko N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Choi N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Vosnyuk N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Khanshala 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Kameyan N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Sampy 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Aorigele 5'10" (179cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
van Lier N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Takuma 5'8" (172cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Mumcho N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Isaac "PQD" N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
van Aalst N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Agus N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
"Tiger" Kizuki N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ergogulu N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Iskander N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Akejiaoli N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Keisuke 5'7" (171cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Klyton N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Gouken 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
"Sonic" Takayama N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Mageramov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Echedey N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ramazan 5'10" (177cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Angel "The Son of God" N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Vinod N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
KT N/A Welterweight 1-2-0
Vergeer N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Shiryu N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Beijersbergen N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Charyev 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
"Bibi" Baptiste N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Majubi N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Rajendran N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ali 6'2" (187cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Maladanov N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
van der Vught N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Hoogeboom N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Yilmaz N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Gwedion N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
El Hasnui N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Delbari N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Haregin 5'8" (172cm) Welterweight Am 2-2-0
Blank N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ryosan N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nijhof N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Doeli N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Carl 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 0-2-0
Drakan N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
De Jong N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ninjin N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Yuichiro 5'5" (166cm) Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Tomoyuki 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Teruya N/A Welterweight 1-2-0
Kars N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Bobonazarov N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Duru N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nobcov 5'8" (172cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Hareruya 5'7" (169cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Ouddadi N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
van der Brom N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Harry N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Arendsen N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Bousaraati N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
King N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Sawettapong 6'0" (184cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Palvanov N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Taseren N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Kamil 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Yoshimune N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Schuure N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Tsutomu N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Milsan N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Abakarov N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
van Vliet N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Nureshati N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Yeka N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Duyvenbode N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Kazuki N/A Welterweight 1-3-0
Pukhaev N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Araki N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Janssen N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Ciemala N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Abdyzhaparov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Yuuhei 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Kouki N/A Welterweight 2-1-0
Maty N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Plug N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Rieske N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Calutiu N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Holic N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Kenta 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 4-2-1, 1 NC
Atu 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 1-0-0
Naoya 5'9" (176cm) Welterweight Am 4-1-0
Kaime N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Francisco N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Yuichi 5'10" (177cm) Welterweight Am 0-0-1
Grenada N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Kiselev N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ivanov N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Tereschuk N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Teruto 6'0" (184cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Wagao N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Lewski N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Courisco N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Matt N/A Welterweight 3-2-0
Achmadi N/A Welterweight 3-3-0
Yogi N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Gianluca N/A Welterweight 3-1-0
Berry N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
"Leonard" Sitpholek 6'2" (187cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Dudek N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Jizuxianggu 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Malone N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Agnaev N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Geuzenbroek N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Katsuhiro N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Ryo N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Pascual N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Kouboye N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Hit N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Kokaev N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Esadik N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Wolf N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Masaya 5'9" (176cm) Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Satoshi N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Kiretaknife 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Ralph N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Orick N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Ral "Touro de Aço" N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Omar N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Sho N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Isabo N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
De Sanotos N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
El Amraoui N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Wurigenbayaer 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 11-8-0
Philippe Fournier N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Treston Rabellizsa N/A Welterweight Am 3-3-1
A'rin Johnson N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
A.J. "Bahamaschamp" Stewart N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
A.J. Walls N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
AJ Holloway 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
AJ "The Mercenary" Matthews 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 9-9-0
AJ "A.J." Davis 6'1" (186cm) Welterweight Am 2-1-0
AJ Reid N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
AJ Tovey 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 1-3-0
AJ Dimalanta N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
AJ Stephens 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
"The Ghost" AJ Fletcher 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 10-4-0
AJ Borland N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
AJ "Kotoamatsukami" McCants Jr. 6'1" (185cm) Welterweight Am 1-1-0
AJ Dixon N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
AJ "The Real" Deale 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight Am 5-3-0
AJ Stevenson 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-2-0
AJ "Varkhond" Van Der Walt N/A Welterweight Am 1-2-0
AJ "Super Boy" Sewell 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 2-6-0
AJ Sherrard 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 6-1-0
AJ Safi N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
AK Kearney N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
AR "The Nile Crocodile" Costello 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Aali Amirakulov N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Aarafa El Emrami N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Aarash "Parsi Warrior" Shah 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Aarne Leinonen N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Aaron Bernard N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Aaron Thomas 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 4-2-0
Aaron "The Savage" Sutton 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 8-10-0
Aaron Wilson 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron "The Snake" Hamilton 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 2-7-0
Aaron Varnier N/A Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Aaron Lutz N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Forsterling N/A Welterweight 3-2-0
Aaron Walker 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 1-1-0
Aaron Harris N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Aaron "The Original Outlaw" Osborne 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 1-2-0
Aaron Brown 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Aaron Mock 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Aaron "The Boss" Bosiak 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 4-3-0
Aaron Heinrich N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Aaron Aragon N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Scales N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Aaron Lanfranco 5'9" (175cm) Welterweight 5-1-0
Aaron Gagnon 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Aaron Yesh N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Hallows N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron McLeod N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Harper N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Aaron Blakemore N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Aaron Deleon 5'7" (170cm) Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Aaron Gardner N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Francis N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Bolton N/A Welterweight Am 3-5-0
Aaron "Beat Dem Up" Smith 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 3-7-0
Aaron Baskerville 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Aaron Swingewood N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron "The Joker" Chalmers 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 5-2-0
Aaron Olsen N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Aaron Pickett 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Cayce N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Tan N/A Welterweight Am 6-6-0
Aaron Luellen 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 0-0-0
Aaron Francis N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Lindoff N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Stephenson N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Aaron Harris 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron "The Machine" Jerome N/A Welterweight 2-1-0
Aaron Lighting N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Aaron Jameson N/A Welterweight 2-2-0
Aaron Ramas N/A Welterweight Am 3-0-0
Aaron Santana N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Mahon N/A Welterweight 0-1-0
Aaron Cariogga 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Aaron Harris 5'0" (152cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Aaron Adkins 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Harper N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Aaron Aschendorf 5'11" (181cm) Welterweight 2-2-0
Aaron Sheridan N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Flournoy 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 7-5-0
Aaron Phillips N/A Welterweight Am 4-5-0
Aaron Vasallo N/A Welterweight 1-0-0
Aaron "American Made" Armijo 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 0-1-0
Aaron Spashett N/A Welterweight 0-2-0
Aaron Anderson N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Aaron Meekings N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Aaron "The Joker" Sutterfield 6'4" (193cm) Welterweight 0-2-0
Aaron Lee N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Aaron Grech N/A Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Tregear 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 7-4-0
Aaron Jackson 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Aaron Gillespie N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Aaron Grigg N/A Welterweight Am 2-0-0
Aaron "The Problem" Delahunty N/A Welterweight 1-1-0
Aaron Klinghardt 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight 1-2-0
Aaron Mitchell 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 11-5-1
Aaron Vincent N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Aaron Heft N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Aaron Treager N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Aaron Henderson N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Aaron "Buff" Shubert N/A Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Aaron Landry 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Aaron Lewis 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Barrow N/A Welterweight 5-12-0
Aaron Anane-Agyei N/A Welterweight 0-0-0
Aaron Leonard 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 1-2-0
Aaron Better 6'2" (188cm) Welterweight Am 2-2-0
Aaron Santana N/A Welterweight Am 1-1-0
Aaron Curry N/A Welterweight Am 0-3-0
Aaron Clarke N/A Welterweight Am 0-2-0
Aaron Hooten 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
"The Daywalker" Aaron Wilkinson 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 11-7-0
Aaron Brett N/A Welterweight 2-3-0
Aaron "Earthquake" Trecell 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight 5-5-0
Aaron Ryan N/A Welterweight 3-4-0
Aaron "Ironman" Shymr 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight 5-6-0
Aaron Romero 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 8-11-0
Aaron Betz 5'10" (178cm) Welterweight Am 0-1-0
Aaron Perls 5'11" (180cm) Welterweight 3-1-0
Aaron Lopez 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight Am 3-10-0
Aaron Dickey N/A Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Aaron Partin 5'8" (173cm) Welterweight Am 1-0-0
Aaron "King" Khalid 6'0" (183cm) Welterweight 10-7-1
Aaron Keyes N/A Welterweight 0-0-0

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