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Instant Replay in MMA, UFC will be using internationally now.

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01.22.2012 | 12:37 PM ET

Instant replay in MMA to me is an idiotic idea.  what are we gonna do, stop the fight in order to see if a guy tapped, or if he was hit in the back of the head?  what if he didn't tap, do we put him back in the submission and restart them???

Instant replay I am sure is another FOX idea that will only create more trouble than it is worth. Similar to the Strike camera they created for baseball games which now have people criticizing every pitch of a game even though you don't get an accurate view of the strike zone due to the camera angle.  while Instant replay may work for sports like NFL, NHL and NBA it does not have a place in MMA or BASEBALL.

"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. If one were to present the sportsman with the death of the animal as a gift he would refuse it." Jose Ortega y Gasset

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01.24.2012 | 11:37 AM ET

if its used i think it should only be for stoppages to rule legal blows (win) or illegal blows (dq) type situations.
perhaps its somthing an athletic commision could trial on ammy bouts, like california do with half point scoring. 

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01.24.2012 | 11:49 AM ET

If Yamasaki has seen a guy tap and he didn't then the fight restarts. Why do you view it a bad call? You would prefer the fight to be ended on a bad judge decision? It seems like you are rooting for a robbery to happen because restarts are uncomfortable for you. It's not a street fight, it's a sport and people make a living out of it. How would you feel if you were robbed of a win (which is basicly and advancement in a company) and a premium in your company because someone in your company was rewarded for your work? 

Also again - if they stop the action while in sub position it will be restarted in sub position. IT HAS BEEN DONE. Why the hell can't you acknowledge the fact that things like that have happened and no one complained. Again. Go rewatch some PRIDE matches. 

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01.24.2012 | 1:02 PM ET

I have watched a lot of pride fights and do not recall ever seeing a restart with a guy in an arm bar or any other submission.

I am still waiting to hear from those of you that support it how to use it effectively.  I have on several occasions stated why I feel it is not a good idea but have yet to hear one way to implement it.  If all you can say is It will be great, than i am done with this conversation.

"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. If one were to present the sportsman with the death of the animal as a gift he would refuse it." Jose Ortega y Gasset

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01.24.2012 | 2:06 PM ET

I remember seeing some fights right before submission and in dominant positions many times. In armbar no because there was no place for that but resumes happened. Don't nitpick.

As for why to implement you have not been reading my posts with understanding and you have pointed out some yourself:
1) Phantom Knee
2) Back of the head hits
3) Phantom tapping
4) Eye Poke/Phantom Eye poke
5) Fence Grabbing
6) Extreme cases of early stoppages (when the fighter is not KO'd but knocked down)
7) Probably many other controversial cases I forgot about.

In all those cases restart it in the last position, unless it was an illegal move than stop the fight.

* Edited at 01.24.2012, 2:07 PM ET *

"“Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.” ― Oscar Wilde"

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01.24.2012 | 2:20 PM ET

Instant Replay opens the door to too much controversy.  what is reviewable what isn't? 

I think we all agree that there have been bad stoppages, decisions, foul calls and other random **** we would like to change.  Are challenge flags next????

I mean UFC reviewed the Silva-Prater fight and didn't overturn the decision.  so what is the benefit in using it for an instance like that.  As i said in post a ways back if you use it to enforce punishment on referees than maybe I can support it but if not than I want no part of it.  every time a fight goes to instant replay a ref should get a yellow card, 3 yellow cards in a set time period should equal a suspension from refereeing because obviously you are incompetent at your job.

"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. If one were to present the sportsman with the death of the animal as a gift he would refuse it." Jose Ortega y Gasset

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01.24.2012 | 2:25 PM ET

Lets look at the phantom knee because I think we both agree that is a good example.  how would instant replay change that and what would you suggest to do in a situation like that?

"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. If one were to present the sportsman with the death of the animal as a gift he would refuse it." Jose Ortega y Gasset

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01.24.2012 | 2:31 PM ET

I really don't see any problem at all with instant replay.  Like Greg pointed out earlier, they'd only be using it when there's already a pause in action anyway like if there's a groin shot, shot to the back of the head, eye poke, etc.  I very highly doubt that implementing instant replay would slow down fights.  I think it'd be great to have.

Another thing that IR would be good for is for when people like Koscheck fake minor injuries like eye pokes to get a breather during the fight.  I doubt many fighters do this, but I 100% believe Koscheck has done it multiple times like against Johnson or Daley.

Edit - Obviously there will be some cons to having instant replay, but I think the pros outweight the cons.  Not to mention there's a bunch of cons to NOT having IR.

* Edited at 01.24.2012, 2:33 PM ET *

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01.24.2012 | 2:34 PM ET

The fighter still got the break and now an even longer one, because they are off looking at the tape to see if it really did happen.  So what did that benefit?

"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. If one were to present the sportsman with the death of the animal as a gift he would refuse it." Jose Ortega y Gasset

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01.24.2012 | 2:48 PM ET

In reference to phantom tapping and fence grabbing. How to you stop the action review the tape and decide if they did it or not. In reference to Phantom tap do you put him back in the armbar or Guillotine? Even with replay on taps like Omigawa or Akira it's not a definite tap. Eye pokes are even hard to see on the replay and I believe have only ended 1 fight in UFC history like that. As for fence grabbing to you award the TD and do you give dominate or neutral position. Early stoppages is the biggest thing that can't be changed no matter what. Because even if the stoppage was early who's to say the next punch doesn't put him out. You stop the fight review the tape and decide he wasn't out but you've also given him a chance to recover. Fights are so much about momentum, losing that momentum to check tape can be critical. That is a big problem with Ring fights and fights in Pride that fighters would slide out of the ring to avoid being hit or get a restart to get away from a submission. Restarts were the worst thing about Pride and all fights that take place in a ring. 

The best thing is to offer better defined rules. To determine what exactly a strike to the back of the head is. What process must be followed in order to DQ a fighter. Make the appeal process public and have officials write a statement as to why a fight was or was or was not overturned. The calls will never be perfect because humans aren't perfect. 

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01.24.2012 | 4:00 PM ET

@Lopati you lie. You promiced you will stop responding in this topic. 

@Bigj383 actually in case of fence grabbing the fight should not be stopped. Maybe in between the rounds you could rewatch it. As for others yes there are cases where an interruption would loose momentum but there are also some where they would not. As with anything in MMA it depends on the referee/judges and on the rules. The idea may be good or bad depending on the implementation. I'm not 100% for it. I'm just not on the hate train like Lopati.

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01.24.2012 | 4:14 PM ET

Norbar and you're still trolling, LoL

"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. If one were to present the sportsman with the death of the animal as a gift he would refuse it." Jose Ortega y Gasset

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01.26.2012 | 9:16 PM ET

"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. If one were to present the sportsman with the death of the animal as a gift he would refuse it." Jose Ortega y Gasset

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01.26.2012 | 10:42 PM ET

I would be in favor for instant replay. There is some replays that can be usefull and some that cannot be useful. Early Stoppage : You restart the fight in the latest position. Yes it's not fair for the guy who almost had the finish but it it also unfair for the guy that never tapped or was not Ko!
Eye Poke or phantom knee : They should stop the fight and verify right away. if it's real , you deduct or give a warning. If not you deduct for faking or give a warning.
Illegal hit : This should be check right away when ref has BIG DOUBTS (not when only questionning) : If it's real , you deduct a point, if not you restart in the same position.
Ref did not see illegal : You overturned a decision with a good team that works with instant replay.

Also when the fight is stop (round end) is a good time to review some replay but they are already doing that.

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buffalo ben
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01.26.2012 | 10:43 PM ET

obviously we need to have it. I think the fact that we don't so far shows that people dont respect mma enough. That whole Erick Silva fiasco could have been avoided

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MikeLovesTacos XD
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01.26.2012 | 10:54 PM ET

You need instant replay in MMA ... The fact you think its not need or unnecessary is crazy to me.

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01.27.2012 | 1:25 AM ET

@buffalo ben we've mentioned the Silva thing. Even after the review of the tape by the UFC they upheld Mario's decision, though it was still the wrong decision, the fact it would take 2 days to review or 5 minutes is irrelevant. Crazy Carlos those are the worst suggestions I've heard and would ruing MMA entirely. I haven't heard anyone explain a scenario where instant replay is helpful or necessary. It would create a whole slew of new problems that would lead to even more controversy. 

* Edited at 01.27.2012, 1:26 AM ET *

"It does not make sense that humans deliberately malfunction. - Upgrade"

buffalo ben
buffalo ben
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01.27.2012 | 1:29 PM ET

i disagree

"You don't have to be perfect, just dont be fraudulant"

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01.27.2012 | 2:32 PM ET

A lot of you are for it, and I can understand that.  What is your reasoning for Dana not changing the decision in the Silva-Prater fight?  If that was the time to set the standard for why Instant replay should be used, why wasn't it done right there???  

* Edited at 01.27.2012, 2:37 PM ET *

"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. If one were to present the sportsman with the death of the animal as a gift he would refuse it." Jose Ortega y Gasset

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01.27.2012 | 2:50 PM ET

@Bigj383 Explain me why with examples and you might be able to get your point. For now , your argument is pointless !
Taking 2 days is normal for something that has not been implemanted yet. There is a way to implement instant replay without losing any kind of  show. Of course if you are giving exemple like " OMG you can't restart a whole fight because of a that" or you can't take 2 minutes reviewing that because they will have time to catch their breath. " are not good exemple of using an instant replay.

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01.27.2012 | 3:00 PM ET

So Carlos you want to restart a fight after an early stoppage, that is a call made at the discretion of the REFEREE.  How will instant replay benefit that at all???  you have a guy visibly rocked and the referee feels he is done and stops it to protect the guy, how do you know which fights to restart?  every fighter at that point will ask for review because they never think the stoppage was correct.

Early stoppages are a part of the sport.

People need to stop expecting perfection from imperfect beings.  This is not a game on your Xbox, this is real life.  There is no such thing as perfection.

"One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. If one were to present the sportsman with the death of the animal as a gift he would refuse it." Jose Ortega y Gasset

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