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Russian invasion of Ukraine thread.

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Baldric Eggling
Baldric Eggling

02.24.2022 | 1:13 AM ET

I'll post what's happening as it comes through for purposes of posterity. Doubt the veracity of what is posted here. Having lived through the Iraq war, I am sure that the vast majority of what gets reported will turn out to be either misinformation or outright ********. Posting because a lot of non-Australia members will be asleep, now. I'll report as much as I can.

So far the g****vine is:

Russia has indeed embarked on a full scale invasion of Ukraine. Air attacks, and ground forces. There has been at least one missile strike, there have been front-line Ukranian casualities ( have seen video, cannot post it here, too graphic).

Footage of an airstrike hitting Lutsk:


Belarus has thrown in with Russia/is issuing support.
Reports of Ukrainian air defence having shot down multiple Russian planes, either drones or fighters. 

Some other info:

* Edited at 02.24.2022, 1:29 AM ET *

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10.10.2022 | 8:27 PM ET

I don't see how anything recorded Ukraine has done qualifies as a "terrorist attack". Also I don't think they're fighting for a truce, even though they probably should be.

"When Conor fought Cowboy, he looked like a lion. When he fights stronger opponents, he looks like a scared chicken." - Khabib

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10.10.2022 | 8:48 PM ET

Blowing up civilian infrastructure, assassinating diplomats, their kids, executing assumed Russian civilian sympathists, and killing thousands of people in areas such as the Donbass for eight years doesn't qualify as terrorism to you?

I wouldn't like to see what does.

There's no good side to this Pillory.  Putin is a standard dictator. Zelensky is the West's puppet. Niether of them care what happens to their people. I could show you things that would make you (and every other doubter in this thread) believe that 100%. But I'd get banned for it.

* Edited at 10.10.2022, 8:53 PM ET *

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10.10.2022 | 9:00 PM ET

@Pillory: It's almost never the case that anything is a matter of good and evil. Bad vs Good. The world just isn't like that.



* Edited at 10.10.2022, 9:04 PM ET *

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10.10.2022 | 10:54 PM ET

You do have a point. War is hell and atrocities are always committed everywhere. I just think the standards for things being "terror attacks" are different when you're in a real war. Though I suppose blowing up someone's daughter is certainly terrorism from the Russian point of view. This war is also a real money pit, IDK what Russia's spending but US is blowing a ton of money on it.

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10.11.2022 | 3:56 AM ET

"Russia launched 84 cruise missiles and 24 drones all across Ukraine on Oct. 10, with an average total value of $400-700 million, according to Forbes."

The US has so far supplied Ukraine worth $17 billion.

Given Russia's "defence" budget of $65 billion a year (half of which is stolen), I don't think they have much left let alone that much can keep shooting.

Oh yeah, and about half of the cruise missiles were shot down by the Ukrainians. So you sit there with your hundreds of millions of dollars wasted and your "profit" is people without power and water. Rather impotent on the battlefield so they start terrorizing innocent helpless civilians. It's quite a bit.

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10.11.2022 | 4:58 AM ET

@Gobaz the other way of looking at that is to flip the script. The US alone has supplied Ukraine with 17 billion dollars worth of kit and consultation and the best they've managed is to concede 15-20% of the country--including a major port in Mariupol--and now huge swathes of the country has no electricity or water.

So if you look at it objectively, it's pretty clear Russia is getting more bang for their buck. No pun intended.

We're now four weeks into Russia running out of munitions and troops, by the way. They took two more areas today, also.

You cannot trust the news. It's mostly lies. On both sides.

* Edited at 10.11.2022, 5:00 AM ET *

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10.11.2022 | 5:53 AM ET

****les what is your state of mind at the moment? I'm not asking this to get **** all over me. Sincere question. I hold you in high regard and admire your lyrics here. But I do worry about you. No one can take in so much information, come to conclusions or views without suffering mentally.

By the way, Moldova is also quite upset because, according to them, the Russians also fired cruise missiles over their country. Big deal. Why? Well because Transnistria in Moldova has been occupied by the Russians since the 90s and the Moldovans never really dared to make a problem of it because it is a small and weak country with really only a kind of gendarmes as "army". Not anymore. Now they apparently feel empowered to actually say something about the Russian cement mafia (no kidding) out there in Transnistria. That's not the only thing brewing. In Georgia they are busy discussing it is not time to kick the Russians out. In both cases this was out of the question because the Russians were just much, much stronger. However. Now that Russia has now lost about 20% of its army and a few thousand tanks etc. have to be pulled out of the mothballs somewhere from the depths of Russia and have to be prepared for combat, the momentum is now there. It is also haunted in Belarus. It has been rumored for some time that the Poles are willing to launch an offensive towards Minsk because the Belarusians are expected to do everything they can to get rid of the Kremlin. I think Poland would then do that on its own, so you don't have to worry about having to go to the front line. And furthermore, in Russia itself there have been a lot of "accidents" with ammunition stores, etc. lately. My analysis is and remains that Putin has been firmly in the saddle in recent decades, but that his chair legs are now being sawn from all sides. Also, do not think that Prigozhin and Kadyrov are concerned with the Putin agenda, but with themselves. The fish is rotting at the head and don't think Putin will last long. Certainly not if 'new' fronts are opened in Georgia, Moldova (with the Romanians) and Belarus (perhaps with the Poles). I must add that they were never so pro-Kremlin there in the Caucasus. Not the Christians and neither do the Muslims there. And so there are quite a few sub-republics in Russia that may also smell weakness. 

"Time is the enemy. "

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10.11.2022 | 11:25 PM ET

@Gobaz I lived through the Iraq wars and domestic terror hysteria. This is not my first rodeo. I'm also a 4chan veteran. At this point, I sincerely do not believe there's any media or rhetoric I can be exposed to that would affect me already than I already have been. I have seen unimaginably horrendous things, and I am no longer surprised, nor moved, by anything at all.

I try to post content which might awaken people to the reality of the situation--that the reported world is not real. We are living in some form of Baudrillardian post-truth nightmare in which people are told, and believe, that they have the option to choose what is and isn't truth depending on their political and ideological predilections as western civilisation collapses around them, disregarded.

I do not believe the future will be a good place for many people. Considering the dehumanised, narcissistic, sociopathic spergs the west now produces, this is not underved. Amorality and sociopathy have become the coin of the realm. This is exacerbated by increasingly numbers of low-intellect people. We are producing **** humans, who will produce **** societies, who will create a world of ****. That's how it is going to go.

What you are seeing right now is the middle edge of the wedge of the collapse of western civilisation. There is no way back. I am thankful that I was able to be young in a time before this perpetual carnival of simulacra and fake everything. I am thankful to have lived before the living dead.

* Edited at 10.11.2022, 11:31 PM ET *

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10.12.2022 | 3:01 AM ET

Man survived the war against Cangaroos in Australia and you're concerned about his mental health? 


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10.12.2022 | 5:12 AM ET

Get this I trained with a Transnistrian before he was a greco guy... He didnt say he was Transnistrian quote on quote, just Russian but from Moldova..

* Edited at 10.12.2022, 8:24 AM ET *

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10.12.2022 | 9:58 AM ET

Does anyone find it interesting that the Russian's actions seem to block out all of the Hunter allegations?  I'm cynical enough to ask that.
I agree with ****les, the world has turned to sh!t.  At least I con remember the times when people used to have more sense.  So many so called smart people are tricked into acting as if the mean justifies the end no matter how it is done.  I just wonder if they are that out of it or it is on purpose.

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10.12.2022 | 3:02 PM ET

@rappinpapsoda it's amazing how the public seems to have forgotten so quickly how corrupt Ukraine actually is. The American public probably never knew because they largely don't pay attention to anything other than what's on Netflix, but even here in Australia and in Europe this amnesia seems to widespread.

If you go back as little as two years, you will find article after article about how Ukraine was regarded as the most corrupt country in Europe and the third most corrupt in the world. It's long been the playground of the deep state and intelligence agencies, and has served as the go-to laundromat for politicians and their cronies to wash taxation money and funnel it back to themselves. Doubtless, that has only accelerated with the breakout of the war.

The truth is, Zelensky isn't a leader. He isn't in control of anything at all. He's simply the mouthpiece of NATO interests. He does not represent the people. He's an actor. I mean, literally, he is an actor.


* Edited at 10.12.2022, 3:16 PM ET *

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10.14.2022 | 3:39 PM ET


"I am the greatest blonde man in the world. I am Tru Viking." - Alexander Gustaffsson / "The world must bow to my glory. I am a God amongst mortals. They must pay me tribute in wine and concubine for my deeds." - Jon Jones "

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10.14.2022 | 5:21 PM ET

Mobilization day 22 - Putin: "Mobilization will stop in 2 weeks"

He (Putin) is now at 220,000 conscripts and in two weeks he thinks he will be at the target 300,000. Unless he stops the war, of course, this will not be the end of the mobilization. Andrei Sidorov, dean of Moscow State University's faculty of 'World Politics', said last week that Russia must admit that a second wave of mobilization is coming.

Lukashenko is mobilizing in Belarus. And more Russian troops come into his country, to 'cooperate' with the Belarusians.
What would the latter mean? That, for example, on every Belarusian a Russian is classified in a unit? To ensure that the Belarusians, well equipped with weapons, do not suddenly turn against their own leader?
We'll hear about it. In any case, Lukashenko is walking a tightrope between what Putin wants from him and what he still thinks he can pull off against his people.
It would be nice if an uprising broke out in Belarus. This seems like a perfect moment to me.

* Edited at 10.14.2022, 5:25 PM ET *

"Time is the enemy. "

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10.14.2022 | 7:48 PM ET

Elon Musk decided to turn off starlink which has been providing internet to Ukraine after he was told to '**** off' due to suggesting peace needed to be brokered.

So the Zelensky regime briefly put him on a kill list.

Still think there's any right side in this ****show?

* Edited at 10.14.2022, 7:48 PM ET *

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10.14.2022 | 8:52 PM ET

all that tells me is that if any government tries to take away or cut internet access from their people, then their people should be ready to kill in response. if a foreign government wants to put someone on a kill list over taking away what is essentially free mcdonald's wifi, then every person around the world should take notice just how important internet access is.

"Through the Gates of Hell"

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10.14.2022 | 9:40 PM ET

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10.15.2022 | 10:53 AM ET

2 years bro 💀
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10.15.2022 | 3:55 PM ET

I hate Musk but putting an American citizen on a kill list seems like a really bad idea for Ukraine. Unless they want to be the next Poland and get invaded on both sides by two superpowers.

"When Conor fought Cowboy, he looked like a lion. When he fights stronger opponents, he looks like a scared chicken." - Khabib

Stephen Terry
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10.16.2022 | 1:39 PM ET

I don't remember my happy meals as a kid coming in a box that said "catus plant flea market" on it. 

"I wish you good luck but I don't want you to rely on luck"

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