Topic: Regulation, USADA, & PEDs

USADA is going easy on Jon Jones and it ********

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08.24.2018 | 10:09 AM ET

Jon Jones a repeatedly caught cheat was only tested 1 time this year

DC who never been caught cheating was tested 11 times.

***. This tells me USADA is not as legit as they claim and though the testing it self is legit, they are playing games with who they test and how often to help certain fighters out.  This also tells me that the UFC\USADA do not have confidence in Jon Jones being clean, which is why they have not been testing him.

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08.24.2018 | 7:00 PM ET

Yes usada is a joke. One of those mma news shows on youtube reported usada wants or gets 10 million to let jones back in early. Its a big joke. They dont want to catch everybody just to make it seem like they give a ****. 
Now, im no fan of dc after that eye gouging ******** with stipe. The pathetic wwe skit he did with brock. And then how dc gloats now like he's the greatest ever. I wouldn't mind seeing jones cheat again and whoop dc's fat ass a third time. But it is incredibly unfair for any fighters who wanna fight clean and are not willing to risk the dangers of steroids. What jones did what cyborg is doing them two and all the rest would be mediocre fighters at best with out all the extra testosterone. **** usada. **** the ufc too. Thats one of the many reasons why i illegally stream all the pay per views. Rather then pay $70 like all the suckers do. No offense to all u suckers out there.

* Edited at 08.24.2018, 7:03 PM ET *

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08.27.2018 | 11:16 AM ET

You want Jones to beat DC for his eye pokes of Stipe?  That seem really odd, given the fact Jon Jones actually does it on purpose in every single fight he in. He the worst eye poke offender in UFC history, but your mad at DC for the stipe fight? Jones literally admits it on purpose..............  Also Stipe eye poked DC as well. Think people are making way to much of the DC eye pokes, which to me seem very accidental. 

* Edited at 08.27.2018, 11:18 AM ET *

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08.27.2018 | 12:15 PM ET

Well Jones for sure pokes intentionally. DC not so sure

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08.28.2018 | 12:17 AM ET

True it may have been accidental. However i've rewatched and counted and dc gets him four times for sure maybe a fifth in there. Stipe got him once. I just hate to c a great once in a lifetime match like that end in controversy. And it seems like no rematch was ever even considered by the ufc which is crazy.

I also didn't know usada could b so openly paid off. Makes no sense at all. Ufc needs to switch to an entertainment license instead of sports license so they can control more. 
That way less commissions and bad refs and bad judges. As much as i love ufc it seems like a real **** show sometimes.
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08.28.2018 | 2:20 AM ET

You'd have to be a rube to believe USADA is impartial. They aren't. They charge exorbitantly for a service that is inferior to that of WADA ( significantly higher than the standard market value) and yet the UFC decide to opt for them over all others despite this. Why? Because they catch who the UFC wants them to catch. It's that simple. It's a way of mitigating the risk that fights promoted to the tune of millions of dollars get pulled due to violations.

* Edited at 08.28.2018, 2:40 AM ET *

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08.28.2018 | 4:03 AM ET

Are you seriously claiming UFC wanted Jon Jones, Brock Lesnar, and Anderson Silva to be caught? Three of their biggest money earners. That is some wild conspiracy that shows absolutely no benefit. Also WADA isn't a testing agency WADA is a governing body that decides which substances are banned and give accreditation to testing facilities. According to WADA, USADA is the best organization to perform WADA testing.

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08.28.2018 | 4:53 AM ET

@ImperatorFishrat: Johnny is that you?

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08.28.2018 | 6:48 AM ET

Jones is a PR disaster and was made an example of, live on television. Despite being the GOAT he still lever drew huge numbers like Rousey or Mcgregor anyway. Lesnar still competed despite the fact they knew he was dirty, and he is now fighting DC for the belt having been found dirty and not having earned the shot. Anderson Silva was busted when he was out of his prime, not drawing, and asking for too much money.

Money talks, ******** walks. That's the way of things.

Yes, WADA is basically a commission of oversight ( still for profit), However, USADA has its own labs, protocls, and procedures which are ****geneous. If you wanted to fix the outcome of a test, or make it so that an athlete didn't pop, USADA would be ideal compared to any number of non-affiliated labs approved by WADA. It's basically tantamount to letting wall street self-regulate.

Do you really believe that a company that spends millions, and millions of dollars promoting cards would have zero risk mitigation fore the number one externality--PED violations? Please. The world doesn't work that way. USADA is crooked. It is what it is. I don't especially care that it is, and frankly I hope the day comes when everyone is allowed to take whatever they want, because that will result in better fights. I want the whole UFC  roster PED'ed into xenomorphs, if you want to know the truth. 

* Edited at 08.28.2018, 6:51 AM ET *

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08.28.2018 | 2:17 PM ET

Wish people who stop calling Jones the goat, he not. If he was the goat, he would not need PED every single time he fights DC who is not even in his physical prime anymore. This idea Jones is the goat is horse ****. Jon Jones while in his physical prime felt that he needed to roid his ass off against 38 - 39 year old DC. That is not the goat, that fact alone removes him completely from the conversation. That not to even mention the fact Jon Jones has been caught 3 times that he was schedule to face DC (which is every time they were schedule to fight). One of which he is extremely lucky USADA was not around for, because the first fight also would of been ruled a no contest because Jones was again on PEDs. He was caught with a 5th of a man T levels, which would have been a failed test under USADA since it direct evidence of cycling.

Also this idea that UFC wanted Anderson/Jones ect to get caught is absolute horse ****.

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08.28.2018 | 3:06 PM ET

Is it weird I still consider Anderson in the conversation as goat? Imo the tru goats are him gsp and mightymouse. Those are the only fighters I can see an argument for goat. And even though Anderson was popped, I feel as though what he accomplished outweighs that, to a certain extent however. Not to mention Silvas actions were one of a kind, not in a fighter way either, it is obvious silvas style was amazing, what I mean is the fact that the UFC could call Anderson at anytime and he would fight. Such as when he stepped up against bonnar (granted not great risk, but risk) and the biggest thing was how he stepped up and fought DC on 2 days notice who was preparing for a championship fight, not to mention the fact that DC was almost forced to wrestle him from the start, which tells me even much bigger physically imposing people hold Anderson in a high regard as far as striking. Idk maybe I just can't forget how amazing it was watching Anderson matrix Forrest almost at will, either way. GSP and Mightymouse are definitely Goats, the only question imo is who was more dominant. 

"knocked out three midgets and ya pumped up"


08.28.2018 | 6:24 PM ET

In 20 years when most of these old bums are dead we'll be calling the new breed of savagery the GOATs. 
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08.28.2018 | 8:45 PM ET

What a ****en hornets nest franklin just cracked open.

U all make good points. Myself i dont think there has been a true goat yet and way to many people pretend.
When someone truly emerges as the goat we will all agree that he is.
Thats what goat means. Its like the ******** pound for pound conversation.
Never ending and just something to talk about.
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08.29.2018 | 11:39 AM ET

How long was Silva the declared goat, I remember a time when everyone was calling him the goat. For an extended period of time as well.

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08.29.2018 | 11:52 AM ET

Then he got caught several times full of PED's. Then a video evidence surfaced of him having HGH needles in his closet 5 year prior to getting caught. Then people started looking over his career and notice some strange things like a man who was being physically over power by Carlos Newton is then able to in a few short years easily rag doll Rich Franklin in the clinch.  Rich Franklin who is massive larger and stronger then Carlos Newton  Or the fact that Anderson Silva use to be a striker who had to overwhelm his opponents with strikes, but then all of a sudden got very good one punch knock out power and increased dramatically in size .These together made many realize that he was likely using PED's for the majority of his career and seem to have a dramatic out come in his success. People did not realize these changes at first because he was never overly muscular, however Anderson body size increased by quite a bit in a short time span, he went from being a welter weight to a very large middle weight who was even a fair sized light heavy weight.  All in the span of 2 years his body structure\frame grow greatly when he was in his late 20's which does not make much sense for a natural athlete, but does match perfectly for a person using things like HGH which increases your bone and muscle size as well as your frame. Direct and circumstantial evidence does not favor Anderson Silva being a clean athlete during his prime which is why most people do not consider him the GOAT.

Also to note Anderson was caught with PED's on his first random drug test admittedly his first ever. Which should also tell people about his legitimacy for GOAT considerations. 

* Edited at 08.29.2018, 12:07 PM ET *

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08.29.2018 | 1:16 PM ET

Beside the point, I understand all that completely. However free money said a goat would be unanimously chosen by the population, which seemed to happen with silva. But for how long was he marketed as the goat by the ufc? Quite a long time if I'm not mistaken. 

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08.29.2018 | 1:20 PM ET

And also Anderson never physically looked like he was on PEDs imo, however similarly long skinny fighters have had massive gains, ubereem and jones the first to come to mind, and with confidence I say silva was never as shredded or scary looking as either of them. So saying his physical appearance hinted at peds early on I would have to disagree. 

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08.31.2018 | 1:19 PM ET

Your missing my point. I was saying in retrospect people missed Anderson Silva large gains, because he was not overly muscular, but looking back he gained a large amount of mass in a very short time period. He went from being a welter weight to a fair sized light heavy weight. In hindsight looking back that type of jump and change in body frame looks very suspicious.  Not to mention the massive jump in strength.  Anderson was having trouble dealing with Carlos Newton because he was physically being overpower. Then in a few short years, he able to rag doll Rich Franklin who would easily over power Carlos newton.  In Hindsite, this looks very suspicious. As does the massive increase in power Anderson got in very short time period, going from being a striker who overwhelms opponents to a knock out artist. 

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08.31.2018 | 6:38 PM ET


Lets be clear here, "welterweight" in PRIDE was massively different to Welterweight under Unified Rules.  Welterweight in PRIDE had a 80 kilo or 176.4 lbs limit.  Only a 9 pound difference from the 185 lbs Unified Rules limit for Middleweight, which would work more in Anderson's favor rather than as a detriment since he is cutting less to fight in essentially the same weight class.  Additionally, Newton was a god damn beast with grappling.  He beat Pat Miletitch with a bulldog choke to win the title for Christ's sake, and almost choked out Matt Hughes with a triangle until he got slam KOed.  Also, Franklin got bullied around because he went full ****** and tried to outstrike Silva, who is an elite Muay Thai striker.  Now does that mean that I believe Anderson was clean?  Of course not.  It is clear, with his interview with a Brazilian media outlet (believe it was Globo) where their camera clearly caught in full view what appeared to be HGH syrettes.  But here is the thing that people forget when it comes to steroids and PEDs.  You have to be good in order for them to be effective.  Otherwise, you are wasting your time.  And it is clear that Anderson Silva, from his technique alone when fighting, was one of the best MMA has ever seen.  Full stop.  MMA, like every other sport in the past three to four decades, has been full of PED cheats.  At least he never needed to load his ******* gloves in a fight like Sokodjou, purposely give opponents low blows like Cheick Kongo, or gouged another fighter's ******* eyes like Gilbert Yvel.


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08.31.2018 | 11:44 PM ET

U dont have to b good at mma for peds to give u a boost in all areas. 
Strength, speed, agility, power, endurence, stamina and durability all get improved.
Even if u dont train as crazy as that sounds. I know cause i've seen training partners over the years do it.
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09.02.2018 | 1:38 PM ET

Jon is the only thing keeping this damn sport alive since they fired Mike The Voice Goldberg

* Edited at 09.02.2018, 5:48 PM ET *

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