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Russian invasion of Ukraine thread.

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Baldric Eggling
Baldric Eggling

02.24.2022 | 1:13 AM ET

I'll post what's happening as it comes through for purposes of posterity. Doubt the veracity of what is posted here. Having lived through the Iraq war, I am sure that the vast majority of what gets reported will turn out to be either misinformation or outright ********. Posting because a lot of non-Australia members will be asleep, now. I'll report as much as I can.

So far the g****vine is:

Russia has indeed embarked on a full scale invasion of Ukraine. Air attacks, and ground forces. There has been at least one missile strike, there have been front-line Ukranian casualities ( have seen video, cannot post it here, too graphic).

Footage of an airstrike hitting Lutsk:


Belarus has thrown in with Russia/is issuing support.
Reports of Ukrainian air defence having shot down multiple Russian planes, either drones or fighters. 

Some other info:

* Edited at 02.24.2022, 1:29 AM ET *

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03.03.2022 | 11:33 AM ET

@Gobaz, True, ive said it time and time again. Death is really not bad at all compared to Concentration camp and watching your family executed. Id probably welcome death at that point.

We all love to talk **** about Joe Biden and the rest of them. Try talking bad about Putin or Xi in China while living there

"Dont take life too serious, you will never make it out alive."

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03.03.2022 | 11:38 AM ET

"I am the greatest blonde man in the world. I am Tru Viking." - Alexander Gustaffsson / "The world must bow to my glory. I am a God amongst mortals. They must pay me tribute in wine and concubine for my deeds." - Jon Jones "

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03.03.2022 | 11:38 AM ET

"I am the greatest blonde man in the world. I am Tru Viking." - Alexander Gustaffsson / "The world must bow to my glory. I am a God amongst mortals. They must pay me tribute in wine and concubine for my deeds." - Jon Jones "

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03.03.2022 | 11:39 AM ET

there’s a russian soldier known to ukrainians as “the gremlin of the kremlin” who has been crabwalking around battlefields and forcing civilians to answer his riddles three, lest he demand an offering of goats milk

"There's 3 things in life that excite me. A woman, of course. Dinosaurs, and the violence of the Octagon" - GSP

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03.03.2022 | 11:43 AM ET

Oof instant downvote, I’ll keep the jokes to myself

"There's 3 things in life that excite me. A woman, of course. Dinosaurs, and the violence of the Octagon" - GSP

Baldric Eggling
Baldric Eggling

03.03.2022 | 2:01 PM ET

@Tieoken no. It's complicated.

Here's the thing: About 50% of the population speaks Russian and identifies as culturally and ethnically Russian. If you went to Kiev tomorrow, the vast majority of the people on the streets would be speaking Russian. In Crimea, 97% of the population is hard pro-Russia.

Ukraine also isn't a democracy. This is a lie being pushed by the West. It hasn't been a democracy since 2014, when Yanukovych was ousted in a US-backed coup led by fascist forces--notably right sector, and Svoboda.These groups are Neo-Nazis, BTW.  The US did this because Yanukovych was Russian-allied and wanted to broker a better relationship with Putin. This would have been antithetical to the US's goal of surrounding Russia with NATO and pro-American bastions. What this did was spark up a hot civil war between the Ukrainian military and 'separatists'--those people displaced by the power shift, and who had been robbed of political autonomy. Since then, the Ukrainian regime has killed at least 15000 people in the Crimea and elsewhere in the region, and has been resources-starving them. In fact Russia just destroyed a dam that was starving the Crimeans of water.


Zalensky, the current ruler of Ukraine, not so long ago forced several domestic television stations to close for giving platform to his political Rival, and has imprisoned Rival party members. Ukraine is not a democracy, and is nothing like one.

As I say, there is no good side here. Zalensky was part of the effort to cover up the Hunter Biden Burisma fiasco. The current Ukranian regime is virtually entirely US funded, and has been since the jump. Biden threatened to withhold aid if Ukrainian prosecutors didn't stop looking in to what Hunter had been doing in Burisma. He claims this had nothing to do with it, and that this happened because the chief prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, was not actively pursuing any corruption. This is almost certainly ******** however because yes, Shokin was probing Burisma and Hunter Biden's role in the company when this all went down. We know this because we have the emails.

* Edited at 03.03.2022, 2:49 PM ET *

Baldric Eggling
Baldric Eggling

03.03.2022 | 2:42 PM ET

Hadrian Caesar
Hadrian Caesar
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03.03.2022 | 2:49 PM ET

Yeah the pet turtle **** is ******** but the fact that he can't imagine sharing a room smh. People these days. Guy wants a ******* en-suite 

* Edited at 03.03.2022, 2:49 PM ET *

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once." - Julius Caesar.

Baldric Eggling
Baldric Eggling

03.03.2022 | 2:52 PM ET

Honestly these Reditards think they are going into a call of duty campaign.

They're all going to die.
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03.03.2022 | 2:57 PM ET

Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦

"Northern Irish and proud! 💖💖"

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03.03.2022 | 3:04 PM ET

Cats bred in Russia are now banned from competitions, the world is a circus and we are the clowns

"There's 3 things in life that excite me. A woman, of course. Dinosaurs, and the violence of the Octagon" - GSP

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03.03.2022 | 3:05 PM ET

Redditors are so ******** they probably think they’ll respawn

"There's 3 things in life that excite me. A woman, of course. Dinosaurs, and the violence of the Octagon" - GSP

Baldric Eggling
Baldric Eggling

03.03.2022 | 4:10 PM ET

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03.03.2022 | 4:24 PM ET

@Baldric Eggling

Most Germans in 1933 thought Hitler was a decent chancellor.

I'm trying to say that it's a Russian dude who is proclaiming this, it's not very objectively.

"Time is the enemy. "

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03.03.2022 | 4:35 PM ET

Hitler was a good chancellor in some sense, not In morality because of all the **** he did, but in a sense of helping Germany get out of it depression, Germany was in ruin pre WW2 because of losing WW1, The treaty truly ****** them over, that the reason that so many people like Hitler and hate the Jews because the “Jews did the deal”

Hitler is a good leader like every dictator is, not morality, but look how the country become strong. Putin be a more mild version of a Hitler, Stalin, Gengis Khan

* Edited at 03.03.2022, 4:36 PM ET *

"Quack quack quack"

Baldric Eggling
Baldric Eggling

03.03.2022 | 4:35 PM ET

It could be bogus. We do know from the Pandora papers that he has far more money than he reasonably should however and does own that Miami mansion. 
Baldric Eggling
Baldric Eggling

03.03.2022 | 4:44 PM ET

More stupid Americans.

Hadrian Caesar
Hadrian Caesar
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03.03.2022 | 4:55 PM ET

My favourite and most studied historical topic is German history. The era between both world wars is so ******* interesting for every country but Germany is amongst the best. Most seem to skip the weimar era and go straight to the reichstag fire and the enabling act, completely skipping everything between that. To understand why Hitler was widely popular and democratically elected you need to understand the absolute ****show the weimar democracy was. Was the average person a hardline Nazi; no, most were people who's savings had been wipes from constant economic crises and just wanted a stable country for themselves and their families. However, i will not make the fallacious claim that German was not anti-sematic. It's so hard in our western viewpoint but i fundamentally believe most Germans were anti-sematic , even if just casually. What we see as disgusting rhetoric is just the same **** Europeans had been subscribing too for centuries and the existing views made them an easy scapegoat. Hope my ******** ramblings gave you an understanding of how he got elected. Free top discuss this **** with anyone cause its so ******* interesting 

Wait this is the russia ukraine thread, why the **** did i waste my time writing that? I give your permission to downvote this post and create a different thread if anyone wants to discuss history 

* Edited at 03.03.2022, 4:57 PM ET *

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once." - Julius Caesar.

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03.03.2022 | 5:20 PM ET

@Hardrian Caesar

Highways: Hitler did it.
Assault rockets: Hitler did it.
Film technology: Hitler did it.
Volkswagen: Hitler did it.
Winterhilfswerk: Hitler did it.
Anti-tobacco campaigns: Hitler did it.
Flourishing of economy and society: Hitler did it.

But he nullified everything with a ******** way of thinking.

"Time is the enemy. "

Baldric Eggling
Baldric Eggling

03.03.2022 | 5:29 PM ET

@Hadrian just about all of Europe was mildly antisemitic in the burgeoning era of modernity. You'll even find mild antisemitism in some George Orwell novels, notably down and out in Paris and London. The only grounds the Germans really had for antisemitism was that a big part of Weimer-era hyperinflation was caused by Jewish Bankers--a tiny fraction of the German Jewish population, representing about 0.02% of Jews living in Germany.

I think when you push people far enough, even tyranny is appealing. Any ladder will do when it comes down to brass tacks survival. It's also important to note that the general German population had very very little information as to what was going on (at least when it came to extermination camps) and the final solution didn't get rolling towards the collapse of Third Reich. 

I think this is still a factor in underwriting antisemitism today. The idea that all Jews are money-grubbing plotters. I will say it is true in my experience that you'll find a lot of Jews in finance, but the explanation I've been given by my Jewish friends is that this is Historical. Jews have Historically been money-lenders because they were the one group of the big three religions which were allowed to charge interest, and over time, finance became a part of Jewish culture. For hundreds of years, the Muslims and Christians were not able to do this because their brand of faith precluded them from doing it. They definitely would have if they could have however. On the flipside, I solicit financial advice to one of my Jewish friends who has absolutely no interest in finance at all and is absolutely god-awful at managing his money despite the fact it was his parents that taught me how to make money work for me in the beginning. There are certain tendencies in various cultures but there are no hard and fast rules. People are different person to person. Everything depends.

The Jews get it pretty bad from everybody really and kind of get blamed for everything, and the charges levelled at them are always the same conspiracy theories that have been around forever. The other issue is that there is no Jewish ****geneity.  My experience with Jews is relegated to very liberal yet supposedly orthodox Ashkenazi Jews whose level of observance is...well, pretty low lol. They're more of your Larry David type Jews (one of them has a thing he likes to do, whenever he gets a serving of something and feels he's overpaid for it he'll say 'well ****, that's Jewish'). I don't know anything about Hassidic Jews apart from the fact that the Jews I know don't like them and blame them in a generalised way for people hating Jews. I dunno, it's their thing and above my paygrade.

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