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10.07.2011 | 2:44 PM ET

I love music and like to see what everyone else likes, I like pretty much all types of music. 

So what are you guys listening to?

Right now I'm listening to "AssMilk" by Tyler the Creator feat. Earl Sweatshirt -

"I'm bi-polar...nice jab, mean hook."

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03.25.2013 | 7:18 AM ET


"She be curvin all the locals, must like foreigns and this is when I had the Martin, I was just like Lawrence so wassup"

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03.25.2013 | 7:21 PM ET

@justynbomar They're not a ****** band, they're a good band.

No, they're a great band. To say that they are not good musicians and that they have weak lyrics is absurd. Simple as that.

And to say that MCR was shoved down people's throats is idiotic because other than Helena, I don't recall any MCR songs that were "shoved down people's throats".

Rise Against isn't great lyrically, that's my problem with them. Don't get me wrong though, I'm actually a bigger Rise Against fan than I am a MCR fan and Rise Against are great, but MCR is a better band in my opinion.

For me the best way to compare bands is to look at their primes and compare who was better; My Chemical Romance's "The Black Parade" is better than Rise Against's "The Sufferer and the Witness". Therefore My Chemical Romance is a better band.

For you to completely dismiss MCR like that is another case of typical bomar bias.

"الله أكبرl"

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03.25.2013 | 7:27 PM ET

Here's a quote from the vocalist of My Chemical Romance:

""Basically, it's never been accurate to describe us. Emo bands were being booked while we were touring with Christian metal bands because no one would book us on tours."

I'm not sure what's worse, having the media label you as emo or actually touring with Christian metal bands. Either way, that band is pretty damn horrible.

Though, 90% of the stuff I listen to most people would absolutely despise, but to actually consider My Chemical Romance one of the "greatest rock bands of all time" is not only hilarious, it's just really... odd.

* Edited at 03.25.2013, 7:32 PM ET *

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03.25.2013 | 8:11 PM ET

Agreed. But I wonder why you put "greatest rock bands of all time" in quotes; who are you quoting exactly?

* Edited at 03.25.2013, 8:11 PM ET *

"الله أكبرl"

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03.25.2013 | 8:21 PM ET

It doesn't need to be in quotes as it's not a direct quote from you. However, after a long alcohol filled weekend with very little sleep I didn't really care to actually look at your post again as it was one I definitely disagreed with.

But now that it has been brought to my attention that I must do that, you did say they will go down as "one of, if not the best band of this generation." and then started to talk about classic rock. Which, in my opinion, My Chemical Romance should not be even mentioned when talking about such a huge status and should definitely never be compared to anything that resembles any form of classic rock.

* Edited at 03.25.2013, 8:22 PM ET *

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03.25.2013 | 8:53 PM ET

I know what I said and I stand by it; My Chemical Romance will go down as one of, if not the best rock band of this generation (and when I say this generation, I mean last decade, between 2001 and 2010).
"My Chemical Romance should not be even mentioned when talking about such a huge status"

What are you trying to say, your statement doesn't make sense grammatically.

What I specifically said was that they were "formed out of the classic rock mold" and again, that is true. They have a charismatic vocalist leading the charge, an emphasis on guitars and an affinity for story telling in their albums. This is what I consider to be part of that "classic rock mold". It isn't so much a comparison as it is a recognition of what has influenced them as a band.

"الله أكبرl"

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03.25.2013 | 8:58 PM ET

Alright Anik how much do you actually know about music? Do you play any instruments or anything of that nature? Because I do, I play guitar, bass, I do vocals and I actually plan on going to school to study music.

This isn't a biased thing this is my honest opinion based on facts from these two bands.
My Chemical Romance got big in the early 2000's because of their look and that's all. Just like bands like Hawthorne Heights. The got big not because of their talent but because of the way they looked and because their lyrics were simple enough that people could listen to them and feel a connection even though for the most part there was no deep lyrical meaning just like every other main stream band. Whereas Rise Against got big because they actually are amazing lyrical content in their songs.

The only way in which My Chemical Romance could be argued as better than Rise Against is record sales because I would imagine they out sold Rise Against but quite a bit. However measuring a bands success just by album sales is completely ******* ********.

Also saying that My Chemical Romance is better because in their prime they were better than Rise Against's prime album is ridiculous. For one because it could be argued that Rise Against is still in their prime. Especially since their last two albums were both incredible. And also because a bands "prime" or when they put out their best album is completely subjective. In my opinion Rise Against's best album is 'Appeal To Reason'.

Also you constant little jabs about my "bias" is getting quite redundant because I don't anymore of a bias than anyone else. I look at things differently than most people do and I (unlike most) can see through what the mainstream likes to show down people's throats. I don't think Fedor is as good as people make him out to be because he wasn't, I don't think Nick Diaz is a top ten WW because he has 1 top ten win in his career, I don't think My Chemical Romance is a good band because in the grand scheme of things they aren't.


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03.25.2013 | 9:15 PM ET

I used to play guitar, but I've been listening to different types of music (unlike your sadly limited view of music) for at least 6 hours a day every day for the past six years. Now this may not indicate knowledge in music but trust me, I am more than intelligent enough to grasp even the slightest nuances found in music.

Don't believe me? Read this perfect (literally, I got 100 percent) final paper I gave in for my music class and I think you just might.

Now let me poke a few holes into your logic; you are arguing based on My Chemical Romance's popularity. Who is talking about popularity? No one is talking about popularity except for you. You are the only one who has chosen to bring up record sales into this conversation, it's an irrelevant point.

I agree with the subjectivity of a band's "prime", now in my opinion My Chemical Romance's best album is better than Rise Against's best album. If you want to use subjectivity as evidence for your argument you need to understand that subjectivity works for my side as well.

My "jabs" at your bias are not jabs, they are observations. You are by far the most biased member of this forum. You do look at things differently but the problem is that you are so determined to deviate from the rest that you end up making absurd claims strictly for the purpose of deviating yourself.

Just look at your comments about Anderson Silva for one. That is THE case of bomar bias.

By the way, I have always agreed with your opinion on Nick Diaz and it's one that I share as well. The Fedor opinion on the other hand...doesn't make sense. He beat the best heavyweight on the planet at the time and that same heavyweight went to the UFC and beat pretty much everyone there. How does that not make him the best heavyweight in his prime? It doesn't make sense.

"الله أكبرl"

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03.25.2013 | 9:29 PM ET

Who cares? Nickelback is the greatest band of all time, duh

"She be curvin all the locals, must like foreigns and this is when I had the Martin, I was just like Lawrence so wassup"

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03.25.2013 | 9:57 PM ET

I listen to a very diverse range of music, as a matter of fact I've posted everything from Sublime to Chelsea Grin in this very forum. If that is "limited" every other person who has posted music here is just as limited as I am.

Just cause you wrote a paper in high school paper doesn't make you a expert on music like you seem to think it does. So enlighten me. What exactly is it that makes My Chemical Romance "one of if not the best rock band of this generation? Because when you really look at their body of work it's not only all very simple but it's also all very similar. Whereas Rise Against not only musically is more musically challenging, lyrically thought provoking and stylistically way more diverse.

Your jabs are just that, they are jabs. Every chance you get no matter what the conversation is about you choose to bring up my "bias" instead of just arguing a point you feel the need to take it to a personal level about me being bias. Yet whenever anyone is arguing with you and brings up your age you get frustrated. You don't like when instead of having an intelligent argument with you they chose to just go after you personally and yet every chance you get instead of arguing with me intelligently you just call me bias.

"You do look at things differently but the problem is that you are so determined to deviate from the rest that you end up making absurd claims strictly for the purpose of deviating yourself."

I am not determined to make myself stand out. I simply do because instead of believing what I am told to believe I think for myself. I do that in all aspects of life, not just when looking at MMA or music. Most people are so content with either just going with what they are told is the norm or to scared to think differently because they feel they will be judged or looked down upon for doing so that they just agree with whatever the general population thinks. I am one of the few that doesn't. You don't agree with my stances on Silva or Fedor because you are so blinded by the ideals that have been shoved down your throat.

"He beat the best heavyweight on the planet at the time and that same heavyweight went to the UFC and beat pretty much everyone there. How does that not make him the best heavyweight in his prime? It doesn't make sense."

The only people that Fedor beat that came over to the UFC afterward are: Nog, Cro Cop, Mark Hunt, and Heath Herring.
Herring's UFC record 2-3 including a lose to Jake O'Brien. So Herring will not go down as a top HW by any means.
Nog's UFC record 5-3 in which is biggest win is over Randy Couture.
Cro Cop's 4-6 biggest win being over Bat Berry
Mark Hunt's UFc record 5-1. Initially the UFC didn't even want him because he wasn't that good. And only recently has he became a top fighter.
So how exactly did these HW's come to the UFC and "pretty much beat everyone there"?

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03.25.2013 | 10:30 PM ET

Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, passed his prime, came to the UFC and became the Interim Heavyweight champion. He submitted Tim Sylvia with ease, who was the lengthy UFC heavyweight champion. He also beat Randy Couture, another two time Heavyweight champion.

He is still a top 10 heavyweight to this day, and Fedor decimated him when they were both in their primes, twice.

"You don't agree with my stances on Silva or Fedor because you are so blinded by the ideals that have been shoved down your throat."

No, I don't agree on your stances on Silva or Fedor because I'm not a ******* idiot. I have already argued with you about Anderson Silva, you definitely remember that because never in my whole time on this site, have I ever seen that many posters come in right after me talking about the verbal beatdown you just received. You yourself admitted that I decimated your argument, did you not?

I agree with you on your comments about Nick Diaz, wanna know why? Because they are logical. They make sense. The other ones don't. How can I be blinded by the Anderson Silva/Fedor "ideals" and not the Nick Diaz ones? You can't just pick one or the other.

And to say that I, from all people, agree with everyone because of fear of not being liked is...well it's just dumb. I'm not even going to get started with that, just look at the list of my favorite fighters ever and then talk to me about how I'm such a conformist. Just look at almost every comment I've ever made, **** ask anyone, your comment is about as wrong as it gets bud.

I only bring up your bias when the bias is evident in your posts, I do that for anyone who's biased. You are just more biased than any other person on this site, bar none. I'm not trying to insult you, I'm pointing flaws in your logic. For you to think that they are insults is...well odd because I can insult you in so many other ways. Calling someone biased isn't an insult, it's an observation. Everyone is biased, certain people are just more biased than others. It is not an insult though and I'm sorry that you took it that way.

And when do I get frustrated when people bring up my age? When was the last time that happened? July? I don't care if people bring up my age, because all it does is prove my intellectual superiority over them and if anything, my age highlights that.

Anyways, back to the music. For all that I know, Sublime is the only ska you listen to so I wouldn't know about your music taste. I do know that you have a strong distaste for electronic music and hip hop though, or am I wrong?

Just 'cause I wrote a paper on music doesn't make me an expert no. But just 'cause you play instruments doesn't make you an expert on analysis either. But if you read the paper (which I am sure you didn't) you will see exactly what I can interpret from music.

My Chemical Romance's body of work is not similar at all, but as someone who doesn't listen to their music you wouldn't know that. The whole reason why I like them is because of the diversity they show in their music. Their last two albums are very well structured and "The Black Parade" especially is filled with great songs. Considering that those last two albums were well-received concept albums in itself makes it impossible to say that they have bad lyrics or the story would not have been adequately told in either.

Not to be redundant but again, I have to say that there's bias on your part considering that you never listen to MCR and you despise the "emo" style they apparently portray and that Rise Against is one of your favorite bands ever. I like Rise Against more than I like My Chemical Romance and I could prove it by showing you my iTunes library if you really need me to.

Oh and by the way, it's a college paper not a high school paper. I'm not that young,

"الله أكبرl"

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03.25.2013 | 10:32 PM ET

My Chemical Romance sucks my *******.

"I'm bi-polar...nice jab, mean hook."

Brazilian Jitz
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03.25.2013 | 10:32 PM ET

AH, the days you could write 6 pages on a song, and not have 8 scholarly articles. The days I miss.

Anywho MCR is garbage and every rise against song sounds the same. Lets enjoy some of this. A little break form Classic Rock , Rap, and death gore **** grind black metal, or whatever genre is being created now.

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03.25.2013 | 10:33 PM ET

When did this become the debate Fedor's legacy for the 30,000,000,000th time thread?

"She be curvin all the locals, must like foreigns and this is when I had the Martin, I was just like Lawrence so wassup"

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03.25.2013 | 10:38 PM ET

When I try to get through, on the telephone to you...there's still nobody home. 

"I'm bi-polar...nice jab, mean hook."

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03.25.2013 | 11:37 PM ET

O now there is the AnikM response I was talking about last night lol. 

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03.25.2013 | 11:58 PM ET

Good to see Anik holding it down for the motherland.

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03.26.2013 | 12:05 AM ET

Nog is still top ten but that's really neither here nor there. You said Fedor beat all the guys that came to the UFC and beat everyone and that's not even close to how that went down. Nog is the only one of fedor's opponents that is looked at as "one of the greatest of all time" that has had a successful UFC career. That's a fact. Fedor beat the top guys at his time, who for the most part were all one dimensional. He had a good career and a while logically speaking was the best HW in the world. He however is not logically the best HW of all time. As a matter of fact, Frank Mir > Fedor

The whole thing behind me being bias toward someone would imply that I either have to have strong feelings toward or against them and I don't dislike Fedor. From what I've seen Fedor seems like a really cool guy and I respect him. I don't dislike Fedor therefor I am not biased against him. The things I say about Fedor are all based upon facts, facts that most people don't want to admit because they don't like to see their hero be made into a sham.

Now onto Anderson Silva. He is a good fighter, and a very skilled fighter. As of right now he is the greatest MW of all time (even though I like to joke about it being Chael Sonnen) but that does not change the fact that alot of his opponents had absolutely no business fighting him for the championship and it also doesn't change the fact that every single time he has fought at LHW he has fought people that either A) were not that good or B) were tailor made for him to beat. I don't like Anderson Silva and that's quite obvious but my personal feelings don't influence the way I feel about him as a fighter. I am no biased toward Silva. I simply point out things that people don't want to hear because again he is looked at as a hero. And no I wouldn't say that I admitted to you decimating my argument, however you made some good points and I gave you credit for that. You had a solid argument, you made alot of sense and I acknowledged that you did that.
My comments about Diaz, Silva and Fedor are all equally logical if you really look at what is being said.

I never said you agree with everyone because like you said it's quite clear that you don't. I said that most people in general think the same for the aforementioned reasons. I only said that you believe the crap behind Silva and Fedor, which you obviously do.

I honestly don't know when the last time someone brought your age up was, or when you got frustrated because of it. I however know it has happened in the past and was simply pointing out that you don't (or didn't) like it when whenever you were in a argument with someone they would bring up your age, but you do the same thing with me because instead of trying to just argue my points against yours you like to always throw out there that I am just bias.

Sublime isn't the only ska type stuff I listen to, I listen to a few other like The Expendables, 311, Slightly Stoopid, etc. You are correct though, I do not like electronic music nor am I a big fan of rap. However there are rappers that I respect such as Mos Def and I can tolerate electronic type music to a certain extent and I don't mind it all that much when some Metal bands use it such as Born Of Osiris.

You are correct me playing instruments doesn't make me an expert. Nor do I think I know all there is to know about music. Music is a big part of my life, I read alot about music, I am a very avid supporter of my local music scene and I know numerous people that are either in bands or work in the music industry. There aren't all that many things that I feel like I know enough about to really argue with people with alot about but music is one of them.

I find it ironic that you bring up that you don't know about my music taste and then say that I don't listen to My Chemical Romance or haven't listened to enough to develop an opinion on their body of work though.
I have listened to my fair share of their stuff and actually went through a period where I listened to some of their music quite regularly. I feel that for the most part it all kind of follows the same style though, whereas with Rise Against they have some stuff where you can hear a really big Hardcore influence such as their song 'State Of The Union' and also material that sounds like 'Hero Of War' or 'Swing Life Away'
Again I don't dislike My Chemical Romance so there isn't a bias for me toward them. I just personally feel that they were not that good of a band. Musically, lyrically or in any sense. Not that there aren't bands out there that are way worse though.

I don't "despise" the whole "emo" band thing. As a matter of fact probably my favorite band Senses Fail for quite a while was considered to be an "emo" band. I'm not the type of ignorant person to hate on something just because it fits into a certain category that I don't necessarily understand. Before I make an opinion on things I make sure I do my share of research on the subject.

* Edited at 03.26.2013, 12:10 AM ET *

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03.26.2013 | 12:17 AM ET

@jitz listen to these three Rise Against songs and tell me if they sound the same

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Brazilian Jitz
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03.26.2013 | 12:41 AM ET

My statement was merely hyperbole. However, His vocals sound the same in every song. He doesn't really have any range.  I will concur that those song are not constructed the same.

"Albert Fish... I mean that guy was a real jerk!"

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